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MANDAG 11:21

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MANDAG 11:21

AUTUMN BREAK WAS FINALLY over, and Ellianna Vasquez couldn't be more happier. She's been holed up in her room the entire week, binge watching different shows on Netflix and having movie marathons all by herself as the waited for the days to pass by. She also did feel lonely without her best friends, but as soon as Jonas stepped inside the room of her apartment to see how she was doing, she had pounced on him and demanded to know every single detail of the trip.

Long story short, it was an awkward mess since he invited Elias to the cabin as well, and Eva was pretty pissed by that since it was only supposed to be a trip for the two of them. She honestly just wished she could have dragged Isak all the way back here so they could have had the alone time Eva was looking forward to.

Eva also filled her up on the fact that Jonas has been texting Ingrid behind her back, yet Ellie really didn't want to get in between her best friend and her cousin. It'll be messy as fuck.

And now, it was finally time to go back to school, which was the downside of autumn break coming and going.

She wasn't looking forward to going back to school since the classes were a bore, the people pretty much disliked her because of her constant sarcasm and never-ending stream of rude remarks, and she despised getting up so damn early.

Ellie fished her phone from her pocket, stifling a yawn as she opened up her Facebook app to check on the latest updates about people at school she probably couldn't care less about. But it was hilarious seeing all the drama everyone was causing, that's another reason why she checks on her social media despite only having a handful of friends. Her dark eyes went wide upon seeing the very first post on her Timeline, a grin making it's way to her features as she felt happiness well up inside of her.

Eva Kviig Mohn and Noora Sætre are now friends.

She was proud of Eva for making a new friend, especially since she hasn't made any friends ever since her falling out with Ingrid and Sara. Eva only had Jonas, Isak and Ellie to keep her company, and the fact that she was finally breaking out of her shell to get herself out there just made her feel happy for the auburn haired girl.

She continued scrolling down her feed, busying herself while waiting for either of her three friends to make an appearance. She got out of class a bit early today, and she was waiting for her friends so she could grab some lunch at the school cafeteria. A few chuckles and scoffs left her as she read all about the parties she could care less about, since she decided to stay away from parties for a bit after what happened last Sunday. She was glad that fuckboy Chris was staying true to his word about not telling a soul about what happened, and she really hoped it stayed that way because she could not deal with being called a home wrecker, it really hit home especially with what her mom has done to her family.

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