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SONDAG 17:28

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SONDAG 17:28

A RATHER BORED LOOKING ELLIANNA rolled around her bed, letting out a groan as she rested on her back, her deep brown eyes staring at the ceiling of her room. She finished watching the first ten episodes of Teen Wolf season 5, and she didn't even know what she could do now. She'd usually spend weekends binge watching TV shows she was too lazy to catch up on, or Skype any of her friends but because of all the drama going on between Eva, Jonas and Isak, she figured that they would need a little bit of space.

Which was why Ellie was debating whether she would call up a certain boy to invite him over. She was feeling a little bit lonely since her father hasn't gone home in a week, but she guessed she's thankful that he's been coming home a lot more frequently than before. But still, being all alone inside a two-bedroom apartment day in and day out for several days gets her mood down.

And she might have been missing Christoffer, just a little bit.

She chewed on her bottom lip as she brought her phone up to her face, with Chris' contact information displayed on it. Her thumb hovered over the call button, since she couldn't decide whether to invite him over or not. She never realized how seriously liking someone made you so anxious, her ex never made her this nervous and she's never felt this with anyone before. She must have it so bad for Chris.

She honestly thought it was so weird how she's only come to terms with her growing feelings for Chris just two days ago. She didn't realize just how deep she's fallen, until she realized just how much she liked him. And boy, did she fall for him so damn hard.

She breathed out, her eyes closing as she threw caution to the wind and tapped on the call button. She pressed her phone to her ear as she listened to the dial tone, waiting for Chris to answer his phone. Her eyes flew open as soon as he heard his husky voice in the receiver, and she quickly sat up. "Hello?"

"Hi, Christoffer. Are you busy?" She began twirling the ends of her dark hair using her fingers, as she heard shifting from the other line before he responded.

"Um, not really. Why? Do you have anything in mind?"

She hummed, racking her brains for anything they could do since she just hoped they could make up some spontaneous plans. All she wanted was to spend some time with him, if he only let her. "We could hang out at my place, and I could make you some dinner if you want?"

"Sure thing, I'll be there in like twenty minutes." Chris answered almost immediately, the sixteen year old smiling widely upon hearing him reply. She nodded her head, the smile on her face still present.

"Great, see you then." She hung up on him, squealing as she plopped herself back onto her bed. She felt a surge of happiness rush through her when she realized that she was gonna be spending time with Chris, and she couldn't wait for him to arrive.

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