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private message between Ellie 💗💅🏼 and Eva 💕

Eva 💕
hey el
i spoke to jonas at the skate park
and i fucked up

Ellie 💗💅🏼
aww no
what happened?

Eva 💕
i tried explaining to him
but it just ended up making things worse bc i didn't really have an excuse why i cheated on him
i was just... hurt
and i wanted someone to comfort me
and chris just happened to be there

Ellie 💗💅🏼
it's okay eva
everyone needs someone to lean on whenever life fucks them up
when i was gone for 3 days, i had to seek comfort in marie and she helped me get through it
in a way, chris somehow became the comfort you needed

Eva 💕
i don't think it was okay if me feeling better meant that i had to hurt jonas and destroy whatever we had between us

Ellie 💗💅🏼
shh you know it's fine
that was just one mistake
i think what jonas needs is some time and a little space so he can sort things out in his head
i do know that he loves you though so you just have to wait till he's ready ❤️

Eva 💕
easier said than done
but i guess i'll try
thanks ellie 😘

Ellie 💗💅🏼
you're welcome 😊
oh omg i forgot to tell you something
i've been hearing people talking about how christoffer was sticking up for you when he heard people talk shit about you

Eva 💕
wait he did???
i didn't think he'd bother doing that for someone like me
he's changed

Ellie 💗💅🏼
he has 😚

Eva 💕
i'd like to think that it's bc of your influence 😏

Ellie 💗💅🏼
tho i really don't know what i did to change him like that???

Eva 💕
oh ellie
it's okay
i can see it even though you can't

Ellie 💗💅🏼
what do you mean by that???
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