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LORDAG 18:08

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LORDAG 18:08

ELLIE WAS A BIT NERVOUS since it's been a while since she last talked to her sister. Ever since she left London around a month ago, she hasn't attempted to contact her at all.

It wasn't because she didn't want to talk to her, or because she felt a bit awkward around her. She really did love her sister, but the only problem was the fact that her sister was busy with her life in London.

Marianna Vasquez was their father's pride and joy, as she was pretty much everything a parent's wanted in a child. She was gorgeous, she graduated valedictorian in Nissen, she had a lot of friends from every year level, she didn't cause any drama and she was an ideal role model. Even Ellie would admit that she looked up to her sister ever since she was a child, and that hasn't changed even as they grew up.

And because Marianna was the perfect daughter, Ellianna was the child that was always second to the older girl. She never had an inferiority complex though, as she was just fine with being second since being the perfect daughter meant that Marie had to meet everyone's expectations of her. And it was exhausting to try and please everyone, that much she knew. Which was why she didn't even bother trying to catch up with her sister, and she went with her own pace.

When their parents got divorced, Marie decided that she was going to stay with their father and the youngest daughter voted to stay with her sister and their father. Marie then took over the role of their mother, and she became young Ellie's mother figure for the next three years until she graduated from Nissen.

As soon as Marie graduated two years ago, she moved to London to study psychology at the University of Oxford. Ellie knew that it was Marie's dream to go to Oxford, since it was where her parents graduated and Ellie was ecstatic when they heard the news of her acceptance in the university. She hasn't been able to come home much since she was busy with her studies, extra-curriculars and social life, but she did call or Skype every now and then.

Although it has been quite a while since Ellie's skyped her sister with her father.

Ellie was just mindlessly scrolling through her Instagram feed, tapping a few photos twice as she waited for her sister to come online. Her feed was filled with drunk teenagers from whatever party was on last night, and she rolled her eyes, knowing that it'll be a while before she gets back on the party scene thanks to the events during her last party.

Her scrolling was interrupted by the sound of someone calling her on her Skype, and the brunette quickly set her phone down to answer her sister's video chat. She clicked on Accept and was immediately greeted with her grinning older sister, who waved at the camera.

 She clicked on Accept and was immediately greeted with her grinning older sister, who waved at the camera

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