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FREDAG 19:47

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FREDAG 19:47

ELLIANNA VASQUEZ WAS currently seated on Eva's bed, a half-empty bottle of wine in her hand as she watched her blonde friend take sips of her alcohol drink. The five friends were currently in Eva's house, drinking all the alcohol that they've brought with them because Vilde didn't want to drink alone.

Ellianna recalled Vilde saying that she needed some liquid courage before she slept with William, and that was just a bit ridiculous in her opinion since there was a chance she won't remember it at all. But hey, she had no say in the matter as this was Vilde's life and her decision. She was just glad that she's getting free booze.

Ellie took another swig out of the bottle of wine in her hand, letting out a satisfied hum as she felt the liquid burn down her throat. She kept her deep brown eyes on Vilde, who was nervously checking the variety of condoms she had brought along with her.

The tipsy drunk turned to Eva, who was anxiously waiting for a text from her boyfriend as she was also going to have dinner with him tonight. Apparently, the couple planned that Jonas was going to meet Eva's mother for the first time today. And Ellie knew that it would really awkward considering that Eva's mom knew all about Jonas' relationship with Ingrid but she didn't know about their falling out with Eva.

"Be honest, how painful is it?"

Vilde turned to look at the three other girls who were on her right, her gray eyes wide as she waited for a response from any of them. Chris took the liberty of answering her first, shrugging her shoulders, "I don't remember anything from my first time. Just drink, you won't feel anything."

"Do you want to be so drunk that you don't remember anything?" Noora asked as Chris poured more alcohol into Vilde's glass, which wasn't even empty yet. Vilde continued to ask, if the other blonde didn't say anything at all, and turned to the Vasquez girl, who was taking yet another swig from the wine bottle.

"What about you, Ellie? Did it hurt?"

Ellianna swallowed the wine she'd drank, her face scrunching up as she remembered how she lost her virginity a year ago. It was to her then-boyfriend, who was just a year older than her back when they dated. She was convinced that she loved him, but a month later, she realized just how much of an ass he actually was and left him. She remembered getting herself wasted the night she broke up with him, and actually hooked up with one of her best friends, Isak.

It was one night she'd rather forget, honestly.

"I lost my virginity to my boyfriend a year and a half ago. It didn't hurt actually, it was just a little... strange since there's this foreign object inside of you. You'll get used to it after a while though."

Vilde nodded as Ellie's words registered, before turning back to Eva, who was still checking her phone for any texts from Jonas. "Were you drunk your first time?"

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