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IT WAS YET ANOTHER DAY AT Hartvig Nissen, and Ellianna Vasquez was currently walking back to her History class, one she had with Chris Berg. Lunch time was finally over, and Ellie couldn't count the number of times she had to give someone the evil eye simply because they were talking shit about her best friend.

And this was just from 07:00 to lunch break. She knew that she was probably gonna get wrinkles from how many times she still needs to do that for the next few weeks till the rumors die down. She even found herself wishing that a huge scandal would occur so that everyone would forget all about what happened with Eva and Christoffer.

The sixteen year old rounded a corner, her eyes going wide when she was suddenly pulled into a small room. She felt her heart rate pick up, panic flooding her as a million worst case scenarios run through her already muddled mind. The door was shut behind them, the person locking the door before releasing their hold on the shocked teenage girl.

Ellie whipped around, ready to attack whoever had the nerve to pull her inside the room to do god knows what. She wasn't going to go down without a fight. But she paused when her dark eyes landed on the tall brunette boy by the name of Christoffer Schistad.

"What the fuck, Christoffer?" Her wide eyes were on the Penetrator, who was now running his fingers through his light brown hair.

"Sorry, I needed to talk to you," he told the bewildered girl, whose eyebrows scrunched together as she looked at him in disbelief.

"And you had to pull me inside- where the hell is this even?" Ellie searched her surroundings, frowning when she saw all the equipment stored inside the tiny space. "What did you have to talk to me about, that you had to pull me inside the supply closet?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, but I wasn't sure if you wanted anything to do with me right now," he answered, his deep brown eyes fixated on her. Ellie pursed her lips when she heard his words, her heart rate beginning to slow as she calmed herself down.

"I'm here now," she simply said, their dark eyes focused on one another. "What did you need to talk to me about?"

Ellie waited for Chris' response, her chocolate brown eyes watching the way the older boy's tongue darted out the corner of his lips, a habit that she noticed he does unconsciously. He took a rather deep breath, before he finally replied, "I just wanted to apologize to you, personally, for fucking things up with both Eva and Marie."

Ellie took in the way his eyes look so soft at the moment, showing no signs of his usual cockiness. It was then that she realized that he was apologizing from the bottom of his heart, and he really meant what he was saying. She recalled the conversation she had with her older sister a few days ago, when she spoke of forgiving people, as they also fucked up and that made them human. Maybe it was time for her to let go of the anger in her heart, to forget whatever hurt her in the past. Maybe she was gonna give forgiveness a try.

She pressed her lips into a smile, a soft sigh escaping her as she folded her arms across her chest. "It's okay, Christoffer, I forgive you for what happened with Eva, as did what happened with Marie."

Chris' eyes lit up, a huge smile appearing on his face when the younger girl's words finally registered. "Are you serious? You really forgive me?"

"But that doesn't mean I trust you. You still need to earn back my trust somehow, but we can still be friends."

She knew while she couldn't exactly trust him again, she was open to whatever he was willing to attempt to earn back her trust. Plus she felt a tad lonely without him annoying the heck out of her, he's pretty much already grown on her during the past month. He's become someone she'd grown attached to within such a short amount of time, since he somehow managed to break down the walls she's built to protect her fragile heart.

Christoffer gave her a smile, nodding in understanding. "Okay, friends. Yeah, I can live with that."

She tilted her head, a teasing smile on her lips as she narrowed her eyes at him, "What? You disappointed with that?"

"Maybe just a little bit," he shrugged, smiling at her playfully as she let out a laugh. "But hey, can I ask you a little favor?"

"I'm not gonna give you a blowjob, if that's what you're gonna ask because getting it on in a supply closet is so fucking cliché," she held up a hand, and Chris chuckled in amusement at her comment.

"Nothing like that, but something a lot more innocent," Ellie raised an eyebrow, wondering whatever the hell he wanted to ask of her. But seeing as he said that it was something more innocent than she thought, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. "Can I hug you? I think it's what I need right now since I've just realized just how much I've fucked up throughout the years."

"A hug? Why would you ask me, of all people? Why not William or something?" Ellie asked, earning an amused laugh from the Penetrator.

"Do you really think that William would hug me because I needed someone to lean on?"

Ellie thought about what he said, and she definitely couldn't imagine Chris' best friend giving him hugs just because he asked for them. And since someone of his reputation didn't have any other friends that actually seem genuine, Ellie was the best bet he had.

But did Ellie really want to hug him?

She was definitely fine with it, since it was only just a friendly hug, right? There was nothing wrong with giving him one since they were friends after all. And he really looked like he needed one, after everything that's happened.

"Why not?"

Ellie grinned, taking a few steps closer to the tall boy before she wrapped her arms around his waist. As soon as she embraced him, his arms snaked their way around her shoulders and she was enveloped with his warmth. She's never been this close to him before, even though they've been talking everyday since fall break. The only other time she was this close to him was when she snuggled up to him when she was so close to falling asleep during their movie marathon.

She never realized that she could ever feel safe and comfortable she felt being in his arms, in the arms of someone she used to loathe with her whole heart. She never realized this before, but somehow she felt that she could show him her vulnerable side and the side she accidentally showed him the night after they hooked up.

And there was also the fact that her heart was racing wildly in her chest, a sensation she hasn't felt in a while. The last time she even felt this way for a boy was back when she was still dating someone, the boy she mistakenly thought she loved back in middle school. But whatever she felt for him was far different than what she felt for Chris. With Chris, it was much more than just attraction and infatuation.

Did she really have feelings for the boy whose warmth was seeping onto her skin right now?

Was what Eva and Marie said true? Did she actually grow to like the boy whose rare genuine smile sent her heart hammering against her ribcage, the one who loved to say anything just to get a reaction out of her, the boy who always had such a long trail of broken hearts following behind him?

Maybe they were right. Maybe she was just too dumb and too blind not to realize it, but maybe she really did fall for the boy wrapped in her arms this very moment.

Maybe she did fall for Christoffer Schistad.

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