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LORDAG 12:57

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LORDAG 12:57

ELLIANNA LOVED SLEEPING IN after a long night of drinking, since it made her feel brand new the very next day. She was actually relieved that she didn't wake up with a pounding headache, since she drank a lot of wine last night before they left Eva's house.

The brunette woke up at around 10:00, her mind racing when she realized that Chris was coming over in the afternoon for a movie marathon.

Ellie couldn't get what he said last night out of her head, even though she knew that he probably meant nothing by it. Who was she kidding though? He was Christoffer Schistad, she bets that he's used that line once or twice before, so it shouldn't affect her as much as it was right now.

She couldn't even reply afterwards, because she didn't really know what to say and she was pretty out of it when 21:00 rolled around so she didn't get a chance to reply before she managed to pass out in her living room couch.

As soon as she woke up though, she checked her phone for any new messages and sure enough, Christoffer asked for her address and she texted him back with her address without hesitation. Without waiting for a reply, she threw her phone down on the couch and began to clean up a little since it's been a while since she had someone come over.

As soon as she finished clearing the living room, she went to fix up her room a little bit then once everything looked tidy, she took a bath to wash off all the sweat and dirt from last night until today. Here she was now, taking a bite of her leftover pizza as she waited for Chris to text her.

She felt a little bit nervous after realizing that she's gonna see him again when her mind's still fixated on his messages last night. She shouldn't even make such a big deal out of this right? They were just two kinda friends hanging out on a Saturday afternoon, there wasn't anything wrong with it right?

She anxiously pulled on her wool sweater, placing her pizza back down on her plate as she tried to find something good to watch on Netflix. She was pretty much stumped since she didn't know what kind of movies he wanted to watch, so she was just hoping that he could choose when he arrived.

She checked her phone again, chewing softly on her bottom lip when she saw that it was already 13:03, and he was gonna text her any minute. She had to busy herself somehow so she could ignore the worries building up inside of her, so she decided to just play Candy Crush on her phone as she waited for him.

Minutes pass, and finally, the text she has been anxiously waiting for had arrived. She quickly opened the newest text from Chris, her heart leaping as she read it.

Christoffer 🍆💦
i'm right outside :)

She pushed herself off her bed, walking over to her window where she checked to see if Chris truly was there. And true to his word, he was standing right outside her apartment wearing a loose black shirt and dark ripped skinny jeans. Her heart leaped once more when his deep brown eyes met hers through the window, and he flashed her a smile as he nodded at her. She smiled back at him before making her way towards the exit of her room, but not before checking her reflection to see if she looked decent enough.

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