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private message between Queen Ellie ✨👑 and Christoffer 🍆💦

Christoffer 🍆💦
good morning beautiful

Queen Ellie ✨👑
good morning ugly

Christoffer 🍆💦
we both know you don't think im ugly at all 😏

Queen Ellie ✨👑
you dont
you look shit

Christoffer 🍆💦
you dont really mean that 😏
how's my favorite girl

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i guess i was fine
until you started texting me

Christoffer 🍆💦
you love it when i text you
dont lie

Queen Ellie ✨👑
whatever you say

Christoffer 🍆💦
anything interesting going on with you lately

Queen Ellie ✨👑
im helping a friend get laid later

Christoffer 🍆💦
oh wow
you're a true friend

Queen Ellie ✨👑
and she's gonna fuck your best friend

Christoffer 🍆💦
my bro's gonna be grateful to get some
good luck with that

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i gotta head to norwegian
talk to you later dicktoffer

Christoffer 🍆💦
see you later beautiful
Read 9:23

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