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FREDAG 20:30

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FREDAG 20:30

ELLIANNA COULD FEEL THE BLOOD pumping in her ears as she moved to the beat of the music blaring through the speakers. She knew that this party was going to be one of the biggest ones this year, and she was pretty much spot on since it's the most fun she's ever had in a single party. She was pretty much tipsy after drinking three cups of beer, and she was planning to party the night away as she celebrated Halloween with her best friends.

She was dressed up as the White Swan, since she and Eva agreed that it would be nice if they wore matching outfits, and so they decided to be the White and Black Swans. And Ellie was pretty much down to go as a badass ballerina.

Chris was dressed up as a tampon, dancing beside Sana, who was wearing a Penetrator hoodie and a blonde wig to make fun of the girls who'd slept with the Penetrators. Noora was dressed up as the Log Lady, jumping to the rhythm beside a laughing Ellie.

Vilde, on the other hand, was dressed up a mouse and was currently trying to dance behind William to grab his attention but pretty much failing miserably. Eva was sitting on a couch, taking a swig out of her beer as she watched her four friends dance in front of her with huge grins on their faces.

Ellie could understand why her best friend wasn't in the mood to party, since she had relationship problems she had to worry about with Jonas as they were pretty much on the rocks right now. Ellie knew that Eva really didn't want to come anymore, but she just dragged her best friend out of the house insisting that a party was a great way to forget all about her troubles. But she couldn't forget about Jonas if she didn't even try to, right?

"Ellie," she heard Noora calling her name, and the brunette girl whirled around to flash the Log Lady an amused smile. Noora gestured to the wall on the left side of the room, where Chris was leaning against with a smirk on his face as he kept his dark eyes on the dancing girl dressed as White Swan. "Penetrator Chris has been looking at you ever since we arrived."

Her eyebrows drew together as she shot her friend a look of disbelief, shaking her head with a smile on her face. She highly doubted that Chris would only keep his attention on her the entire night, when there were so many hot girls around him that he could get his hands on. Although, she was pretty sure the only reason why he wasn't trying to hook up with someone right now was because his girlfriend was at the party.

Ellie didn't miss her, of course, she saw Iben wandering around as a cheerleader when they were dancing, and Ellie saw how she had a smile on her face as she planted a kiss onto her boyfriend's cheek. She instantly drew her attention away from them and continued to dance, constantly trying to convince Eva that she should also try to have the time of her life.

"Well, he shouldn't be since he has a girlfriend," Ellie replied with a shrug, her chocolate colored eyes flickering towards Christoffer, who was dressed as an extremely attractive vampire, and was still watching her from across the room. "Besides, we didn't come here to start drama, we came here to forget all about it! Now dance with me pretty please."

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