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private message between Queen Ellie ✨👑 and Eva 💕

Queen Ellie ✨👑
hi there
i hope you're okay with me texting you?

Eva 💕
how could i not??
you're my best friend
and i know that you still love me even though i fucked up really bad

Queen Ellie ✨👑
you really did
and you're right about that

Eva 💕
i didn't even know what i was thinking, i was just crying in that room when chris came in and started to comfort me
then one thing led to another and that all happened, and you walked in
and then his girlfriend walked in after you left
fuck i messed up so bad el

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i know you did

Eva 💕
i just really wanna apologize for what i did bc i know i will hurt jonas with that i did, and you love him like a brother

Queen Ellie ✨👑
and i really wanna say that i forgive you
because i do know that you fucked up but everyone fucks up
i shouldn't hold this against you bc you're suffering too

Eva 💕
thank you el 💕
so we're good?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
buy me ice cream and i'll think about it

Eva 💕
oh hush you
i know you love me and forgive me

Queen Ellie ✨👑
and i know that you'll still buy me ice cream even though i forgave you bc you love me anyway 😊

Eva 💕
that is honestly true
wanna meet up later to get some ice cream?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
you know the answer to that 😏

Eva 💕
let's meet at the usual meeting place!!
read 16:48

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FREDAG 14:02

Ellie didn't know that it was possible to be glad that she was going to school, but then again, she never thought that everything that's happened these past few months would ever happen. It just made her happier that things were changing, despite the fact that not all changes were considered to be good.

She's finally felt a little better after talking to her sister, and resolving her issues with Eva just yesterday before school. She was even blessed to actually experience Noora telling William off for telling Vilde, who was obsessed with the boy, that she wasn't good enough.

She honestly wanted to give William a piece of her mind as well, but Noora already took care of everything when she humiliated him in front of his friends. She thought that Noora was the best person of this generation for doing such a thing too, and she's glad that she had her as a friend.

Although her issues with Eva were resolved, she still had to talk to Chris, whom her friends also haven't seen the entire week for some reason. She thought that five days of space was enough for her to realize that they were both human, and holding them accountable for a mistake both of them regretted and apologized for wouldn't be fair.

And so she decided that she would actually forgive him personally, as she knew that a personal apology would be way more effective than a simple text or direct message.

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