Same Mistakes

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"Thank you all for coming tonight! It means a lot! We love u all!" Niall yelled into the microphone as they were leaving the stage!

It was so hot outside and i was sweating like crazy! 3 hours! I had been standing for 3 hours! But it was worth it! Now the guys were getting ready to meet the fans that had bought V.I.P tickets and luckily i was one of those lucky bitches.

You see, you may think my life is perfect since i got the opportunity to meet One Direction but in reality my life was shit! My name is stephanie and im just an average teenage girl. im not popular but im also not one of the sad small, not talked about people at school. im just sorta out there you know? Well a few months ago my boyfriend, Xavier had broken up with me for some tall ass hoe. I mean i can't really blame him since i moved from New Jersey to Texas for like 3 months. I told him i would be back before he knew it but he decided to just break up. What an asshole i know!

Then after 3 months of misery my family and i moved back to New Jersey, thank the Lord! My break up really affected me and ever since I've been in a deep depression. The only people in this world who could actually make me feel better were them. One Direction! But specially Niall James Horan. I think i fell more in love than i was supposed to...

" Are you coming in our what?" I heard a voice say to me as the tall, and buff guard lead me inside a small room. I was still in shock from all the excitement that i hadn't realized who was talking to me. As i calmed myself down i noticed that it was the one and only, Harry Styles the one that was talking to me. I sorta jumped and kinda squeaked as the fact entered my brain.

I slowly walked inside the small but very lavish room. I looked around the room, to find just what i've been looking for. It was them. They were all staring at me, and well the other girls that were there.

"Vas Happenin' girls?" Zayn asked in a cheeky voice with a huge smile on his face.

"How are you babes doing?" Louis questioned as he fixed his suspenders.

Harry just blew a kiss to all of us, while Niall just stood there arguing with liam about how he had eaten the last chip.

"Don't make me get the spoon Liam! Don't make me because i will!" He said in what i thought was a serious voice but quickly shock the thought away after a small chuckle escape from his mouth.


Damn he was hot! I thought as i stared Niall up and down. He was to busy arguing with Liam to even notice that they're guest had arrived. But i didn't care if he noticed or not. I swear i could have stayed looking over him unstoppably. I think Louis noticed the way i was staring at Niall because he said "I think we have a Niall girl in here!" As i acknowledged his sentence i could feel myself turning a bright red. Of course you would say something Louis i thought to myself.

The day was amazing! We got to take selfies with the boys and we ate A LOT! And when i say a lot i mean A LOT! It was basically because Niall kept offering all of us different kinds of shit that i had to admit was amazing!


"Don't make me get the spoon Liam! Don't make me because i will!" I yelled at Liam for eating my last chip. I hadn't notice that our lovely guest had arrived but when i turned around to greet them, one of the girls stood out and i couldn't keep my eyes on her. I was too shy! So i looked away pretending i hadn't noticed them at all. I heard Louis saying something about having a Niall girl in the room. I wasn't quite sure who he was talking about but i really hoped it was her. As the day with our beautiful fans went by i couldn't help myself but stare at her, to my surprise every time i turned to look at her i would find her already staring at me. She was perfect i thought. Her long perfectly straight light brown hair flowed down a little bit past her shoulders and those beautiful hazel eyes that were always staring into mine turned me on every time i met them. She was everything i ever wanted rut i figured a girl like her would probably have a boyfriend and i quickly shock the thought out of my head as a strike of fear ran through my body.

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