Chapter 29

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I can feel the sweat on my forehead as i open the door to reveal a small room with white walls. There were desk and there was people sitting on the brown wooden desks staring at a chalk board as they payed close attention to the man in front of them.

"Hello, you must be Angelina." He seemed too young to be teaching.

"Angie, im Angie." I say, feeling the attention being drawn to me. I fucking hate when people stare at me.

"Take a seat, any where you like." He says and i do as im told.

You can do this Angie. I could hear Anna's voice telling me. Truth is, i don't know how much longer i can stand being here. I just got here and this is boring as fuck.

"Okay, so what are some examples of self-injury?" The professor or what ever the fuck he was asked.

"Cutting?" A blond said, more like asked.

"Yes. That's correct. One of the most popular self-injury examples is certainly cutting. Why do people cut?" He asked.

"Because they feel like it, and they can." I say, rolling my eyes. These questions are retarded.

"Well if they're cutting themselves that obviously means they can, but my question is, what causes them to cut?" He asked again, ignoring my sarcasm.

Without thinking i speak again.

"Because they've done some pretty fucked up shit that they most likely regret, and they find themselves cutting so they can feel slightly better about their mistakes." Fuck. Did i just say that? My question was answer when everyone turned to stare at me.

"Well that seems like a pretty reasonable answer. Now, in your note books write ten words that come to your mind when you hear the word 'self-harm.'" He said, clearly wanting to take the attention away from me.

The endless time here was driving me crazy, and i released a light sigh when the bell rang, signifying that everyone was dismissed for the day. I literally ran out the door not wanting to ever again come back to this fucking 'Self-Injury, Recovery Center.' There is nothing wrong with me. Cutting is just a regular daily habit to me and anyone else who cuts. Fuck this i don't need it.


"Try to calm down! Hopefully he'll come back." Katie told me, trying to make me feel better. But i knew he wouldn't. Niall isn't going to come back.

"He isn't coming back. I know it." I say quietly, but loud enough for her to hear me.

"Don't say that. Yes he will."


It took at least two hours to convince Katie that i was ok, and i wouldn't try to do anything stupid. Not that there was much to do. Niall hadn't bother to call, not even text me.

Was it over? Did he still love after all of this?

If only he would answer my calls. I've tried to contact him all day but he just doesn't bother to answer. The call would go straight to voice mail letting me know that he ignored my call.

The tears have been constantly escaping my eyes and the uncontrollable sobs have been going on for hours. How can love be so painful? None of this would be happening if it weren't.... If it weren't because him.

Harry fucking Styles ruined my life.

Just as i was about to lay in my bed to try and get the rest that i needed, my phone rings. I immediately reach for it, hoping it would be Niall. All my hope is lost when i answer, and hear Harry's voice on the other line.


I was nervous. Fuck if i was nervous. How would she react to my call. Would she even answer at all? Fuck. You have to calm down Harold. My annoying subconscious told me, but i knew he was right. If i wanted to fix all of this i had to stay calm.

I look over to Liam for advice, as soon as Stephanie answer the call. He smile a warm smile and nods his head for me to continue the conversation.

"Steph... I was wondering... Well i was wondering if we could talk? I mean not through the phone, but you know, like somewhere... We could meet up somewhere or something? I just need to talk to you."

"Your a fucking psycho if you think i would go anywhere with you! You ruined my life Harry, how could you be such a bitch and ask me to meet up with you?" Dammit i knew it was a bad idea. This girl has bad anger issues, well i can't really blame her, i was a bitch that night.

"Calm the fuck down!" Liam glares at my use of words but i decide to ignore him for a little. " Look i know i was an asshole, and for all i know i still probably am, but i need to make this shit right. Niall.. Well he came here, to my house and nearly beat the shit out of me. I felt like a complete retard for fucking i mean raping his girl. He's like a brother to me and i shouldn't have done that! Ok so i'm sorry.. For everything. I just need to talk to you. Personally. I need to say sorry to your face not just through the phone. That doesn't make things any better." I heard her sigh and i almost sighed myself.

"Niall was at your house? Do you know where he is now?" Not the response i was expecting but at least she is calmed now, somewhat.

"Um yeah, i just said that, didn't i? And no i don't know where he is now."

Is she crying? What did i do now?

"Harry, im so worried about him. I've been calling him for hours but he just doesn't answer." She sobs.

"Maybe we can look for him? If you want i can go to your house or something and look for him? I know for sure he isn't going to answer my calls either." I just hope she says yes. That i can talk to her about everything and apologize. Personally.

I hear her sigh for what seems to be the hundredth time until she finally gives in.

"Fine, but if you get here and your an ass, im kicking you out and i'll look for him on my own." She threatens.

"I won't i promise. I'm on my way."

I hang up and explain the whole conversation to Liam. He offered to come along and i accepted his offer knowing that i would need help talking things out with Steph.

The ride was quiet because i knew both of us were worried. As i pull up to Stephanie's drive way, i notice the bright yellow camaro, and my heart skips a beat. Hopefully shit will go well instead of hell.

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