Chapter 7

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Danielle received aww's from all of us, and soon after that my phone rang...

"Hello?" I whispered slowly into my phone.

"Um hi, is this Stephanie?" The familiar voice asked.

"Yes this is her, Niall is that you?" I asked in return.

"Yes this is me, hey i'm really sorry i didn't call you last night. I was just so tired when i got home, and i was afraid that if i called or texted you i would fall asleep during our conversation. I'm sorry." A disappointed Niall said on the other side of the phone.

"Niall it's totally cool, don't worry about. So whats up?" I said trying to sound as calm as i could

"Nothing really, i was just wondering if you would like to hang out for the day?" He asked in his usual shy voice

"Yeah, of course, i'd love to." I was starting to freak out, i think the girls noticed because they started freaking out as well.

"Ok well i'll go pick you up in about an hour, if thats ok with you?"

"Yeah sounds great! I'll text you my address, ok?" I told him

"Ok so see you later." That last sentence really got to me! I was going to be spending the day with Niall for the 3rd time, the 3rd time! Holy fuck this was good! Really good!

"What was all that about? Was it Niall? Is he coming over?" Amal asked. She then continued " is he bringing Liam?!"

"Yes it was Niall, and yes he is coming over to pick me up in an hour, and no he is not bringing Liam." I answered back to her. " Now if you excuse me, i have to go get ready. You guys are welcome to stay here if want, and it you want to go out somewhere PLEASE make sure you lock the door." I told them as i walked to my room to get ready for Niall.


I was glad for Stephanie. Niall meant everything to her. She had finally found someone that could help her get over her Ex boyfriend. Niall was the only boy who could actually make her get butterflies after her break up. I was happy for her i really was, but at the same time i was--i was jealous. I wanted someone to care for me and don't get me wrong i really loved how the girls cared for me, but i just wanted a boy to care. I've never really had a boyfriend, except for one and he only used me to fuck me. I guessed i seemed like an easy target or something, but i didn't let him get away with that. I never let me touch me after i found out what he was up to, so i broke up with him. And now there was Harry, whom i loved so much, but to him i meant nothing.



I wasn't sure where we were going, so i didn't want to look to fancy, but i wanted to look somewhat decent. So i pulled on some dark skinny jeans and a bright pink strapless shirt that went down right above my waist. I wanted my hair to look different, not just plain. So i decided to curl it. It looked much shorter because surprisingly the curls turned out perfect and super curly, just how i wanted them, i thought. The girls were still at my house i think they were going to stay there for another night. Since it was a saturday and there was no work until monday.

"Stephanie? Niall is here, are you ready?" I heard Anna yell as she let Niall in.

"Yeah i'll be there in a minute." I said as i put on a small amount of make up. I don't really wear make-up but this was important. I made my way to the living room and was met with Niall looking hotter than ever. His blond hair stood up and was in perfect shape. I wanted so badly to just run to him and pull him into a big bear hug.

"You look--you look amazing." He said slowly, before continuing "are you ready?"

"Thanks you look great as well, and yeah im ready, shall we go?" I said as i grabbed my purse.

"Yea, let's go." He said

"Guys i'll be back later, okay? Have fun, and if you go out PLEASE lock the door!" I told them before closing the door behind me.


She looked so beautiful with her curled hair, i mean she looked beautiful with her straight hair as well, but the thought of her curling it just for me, made chills run down my back. She was just perfect. As we made our way to my car i speeded up a little to open the door for her.

"Where would you like to go?" I asked her, as she buckled up.

"Umm i honestly don't know, have about you pick?" She said with a smile appearing on her face.

"Ok well how about Nando's?" I asked her as i started the engine.

She laughed before nodding her head slightly.

The car ride was super quiet but i liked it that way. I turned to look at her every once in a while just to admire her beauty. I caught her staring at me a few times, it made me chuckle a little and turn a bright red. I don't know what it was from her but i felt attracted to her, a lot...


All we basically did was eat. Niall had a very big appetite and well i guess i did too. We talked for a while, asking each other questions about ourselves. We were really getting to know each other and we weren't being as shy as before. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out because i swear we were laughing so hard! It actually felt like a date. I felt like i had known Niall my whole life, well actually i had known him for about 3 years, he just didn't know me. After Nando's we decided to go watch a movie since it was only 8:00. So we went to see 'The Hangover 3' we were both laughing our ass off! By the time the movie ended it was getting pretty late. So Niall drove me home. He got out of his car and quickly walked to my side and opened the door for me. He walked me to the front door of my house and before i knew it, he was wrapped around me. I didn't know how to react but i just stood there shocked.

"I'm so sorry, i don't know what took over me." Niall explained, his face turning pale.

"No, don't worry it's fine. I-- I liked it..." I said quietly almost to myself.

A smiled appeared on his face and he slowly walked to his car and waved a goodbye as he got inside and drove off.

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