Chapter 34

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"You got kicked out for punching the principle?" My laughter fills the living room in Nicholas' apartment.

"He was being such a bitch though. He was getting on my last nerves." He says and i can't help but laugh more.

It's a beautiful sound actually. The way he licks his tongue after he laughs sends chills running through every inch of my body.

What the actual fuck?

Why am i being so weird? Why the fuck am i staring at his lips in the first place? The silence in the room is causing a huge tension between us.

To my sake he speaks before me breaking the uncomfortable silence that had been growing.

"So anyways how long have you been going to that shitty recovering center?"

"Two days actually. It's boring as fuck." I huff.

"Tell me about it. My first day and i felt like murdering everyone there." He laughs. "Except you of course. You seem... Cool?" He quickly adds.

I smile not know exactly what to say. What's that shitty saying people always say? The one where you get butterflies in your stomach or some shit? Well i think im feeling that.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket and i quickly stand to retrieve it. Anna's name appears on the screen but i decide to ignore the call. I notice it's past 9:00 and it suddenly hits me that i've been at Nicholas apartment for over three hours.

"Shit it's pretty fucking late. I should get going." I say.

"Oh. Um i could drive you if you want?" He asks politely.

"Nah it's cool. I'll walk. I need some fresh air." As much as i wanted to say yes i forced myself to reject his offer.

"Ok. Well i'll see you tomorrow?"

"Eh if i feel like going to that shit." I say and i earn a small chuckle from him.

I leave without another word and i soon find myself laying in bed. Dreaming about today. He really is hot. My subconscious reminds me and i can't argue with her. He really is.


It's now past nine and Katie is laying in my bed. Asleep. She's really having a hard time processing all this shit that is happening. She told about Harry calling to meet up with her. I can't believe he would show up with Steph. Mostly i can't believe how bad Stephanie is hurting her own friend.

The black mascara stains remain on my shirt from when Katie rushed in my house and wrapped herself around me. I felt so much pity for her. I know she's been through a lot. Maybe she feels the same about me?

I should probably call Ariana and let her know that Katie is alright. She's probably worried sick. I let Ari know that Katie will be sleeping here. I don't want to wake her. She needs this rest after all.


I woke up early this morning. I have the table all set with two plates with scrambled eggs, a sausage, a pancake and a glass of orange juice. Minutes after im done setting the table Katie walks into the dinning room.

"I hope you don't mind that stayed the night. Sleep just took over." She smiles and her eyes widen as she looks at the table.

"You don't like eggs do you?" I panic unsure if i want to hear the answer. I tried my best to make a decent breakfast.

"No, no! It's not that. It's just that it looks really good." She smiles again and i sigh in relief.

"Well then come sit down and start eating." I say.

The remainder of the morning goes by pretty fast and im found driving Katie to her house. After saying goodbye i drive out of her driveway and im on my way to the gym.


"Oh dear. Your are more beautiful than i imagined. No wonder Liam is crazy about you." My boyfriend's mother tells me as im pulled into a tight warming hug.

"Thank you. Liam has told me a lot about you." I smile.

Liam looks a lot like his mother. Same eyes. Those warming brown eyes that light up my world.

"Amal right? You are lovely dear." Geoff tells me and i give him a small smile. He too looks slightly like Liam.

"Here mum let me help with those. I'll take them to the guest room." Liam says and disappears leaving me alone with his parents.

I excuse myself to get the meal i prepared for them. They must be starving and i just hope they like the food.

"You are an excellent cook honey. Where did you learn to cook like this?" Karen asks and i feel tears forming in the back of my eyes.

Liam notices how nervous i get and changes the subject. "How was your flight?."

"Very exhausting. Im really tired." Geoff says and Karen joins him.

"Yes it was very exhausting!" She squeals.

We all say goodnight and we are off to bed. I lay in bed and Liam locks the bedroom door behind him. He gives me a wicked smirk and i start to get turned on.

"You can't possibly be serious? Not when your parents are in the other room?!" I snap at him.

"Oh im serious." He says joining me in bed.

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