Chapter 4

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It was him! It was actually him! I was about to lose it. I was about to just run up to him and pull him close to me, but i knew i couldn't, i had to control myself i just couldn't flip out on him like that.

"PLEASE, tell you're all seeing what i'm seeing!?" Angie yelled at our faces. She was obviously freaking out. I had to calm her down or they were going to think we were complete retards.

"Girl calm down! Yes it's them, but you have to calm down." I said slowly so she could acknowledge what i was saying to her. I soon realized it wasn't just Angie whom i had to calm down, but also the rest of the girls. God dammit y did this happen to me!?

"Anna, Angie, Amal, Katie, Danielle! You guys have to calm the fuck down! Are you listening calm down. We've had this conversation before! Remember?" I said trying to keep myself calm as well.

"Yes, i know we have but how can i calm down when Liam is right in front of me?" Amal said starting to tear up, man she was sensitive, i thought to myself.

"Listen boo, i've been there before but if u guys calm down they'll notice you, i promise and they are really cool guys to hang out with, i've hanged out with them before, remember? You guys just literally have to calm down." I said to no one in particular. They did as they were told and kept calm for a while just dancing and singing to the songs.

I didn't understand what they were doing at the Mall but whatever the hell it was i was glad they were there. It had been a month since i had seen him, a month since i hadn't seen those bright blues eyes that lit up my world. I realized how much i had actually missed him and he probably was living his life not giving a flying shit who i was. How could someone so perfect fall for someone so imperfect like me? I don't think that was even possible.


It felt great to perform in such a public place, although i would have liked to finish doing all my shopping with the guys. We just wanted to hang out for a while, just chill, but the fans soon recognized us so we decided to do a small performance for them. I looked around the crowd to admire the beauty of our fans, as i was looking around, my eyes soon meet up with a pair of breathing taking hazel eyes....

Could it be? I thought to myself, could it actually be her!? The girl from our concert that kept staring at me and it made me have chills run through my body. It had to be her, it just had to be! There was no other hazel eyes as beautiful as her's. ever since my eyes had spotted her i couldn't help but stare at her the entire time. I had to know what her name was, i know she must have told me before, but it had been a month and had been to shy to ask for her number, but now i had another opportunity to get to know her and i wasn't going to let anything stop me from getting to her. As we were about to end the show i took a quick look at where she was so i could make sure i won't loss her out of sight. Our security guards were making a path for us to walk by but as soon i had reached the spot where she was i stopped and build up enough courage to say something....

SORRY for the short chapters guys! This is my FIRST fan fiction and i really hope u guys are enjoying it so far! Well enough talking byee!

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