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"I miss your parents." I whine as i place the bowl of popcorn onto Liam's hands.

"I don't." He snaps, before placing a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"Your so mean." I swat at his arm.

"It's true. I couldn't fuck you while they were in the other room." I can't help the giggle that escapes from me. Liam is so sweet, but when it comes to our sexual life, he can be a god damn beast.

It's been such a long week and i just need to get out and have some fun. I should call Anna and see what she's up to, or maybe Danielle, i want to see how she and my little niece or nephew are doing. Just before i can dial either of their numbers, Liam takes the phone from me.

"Speaking about my parents leaving, what do you say if we have some fun?" What is it with him and that grin. It's fucking adorable. I would usually give in but not this time. Specially not during this time of month. I've been lucky enough to not have to tell him about my period and id like to keep it that way. Before i can respond my phone rings.

"Ha, saved by the bell!" I yell, just to annoy him.

"Ha-ha." He sarcastically says.

I didn't know what i expected to hear, but Steph being in the hospital was sure as fuck not one of the things that crossed my mind.

Liam noticed the shocked look on my face and immediately takes the phone from me, when i'm not even capable of speaking.

"Hello who is this?" He yells. "She what? Ok we'll be there. Yeah thanks." Is all i hear. Before i know what im doing, i have my shoes on and im making my way to the car, Liam following behind me.


"Danielle we're gonna be late!!" Zayn yells to me from the front door. I take one last look at myself and smile making my way to the car.

"Geez you take ages woman." He laughs and it's contagious. I just love the way i look. I've always worked hard to stay in shape but i just can't help but love the way my belly bumps out and i just absolutely love it.

The ride to my appointment was short although it seemed long because i was anxious to see my results.

"Good afternoon Miss Gonzalez." The brunet haired nurse who's name i've learned is Nancy. She's a nice girl, she looks just a few years older than me, but she's quite beautiful.

Nancy, leads me to the room i will have my ultrasound at, and instructs me to get undressed and be ready for my doctor. I do as im told and wait.

"Your so impatient." Zayn teases.

" We've been waiting for twenty minutes! Im just excited, ok?" When will the doctor get here?

"I'm excited too." He says squeezing my hand.

After about five more minutes, Dr. Owens arrives. He asks a few questions and then gently rubs some blue cream around my belly. Fuck, it's freezing.

"Wow that's quite a surprise." He says and my heart begins to beat faster than normal. I'm not sure if what he said is good or bad, i hope it's good.

"What do you mean?" Zayns asks, breaking the silence that was tormenting me.

"It seems like it's not a baby." What? "It's two. You're having twins. Congratulations." What?

"Tw..two?" This sure as hell was not what i was expecting to hear.

"Yes Miss two. It's a boy and a girl." I turn to zayn and i can already feel the tears staring to form. I'm happy though, i really am. It's not just one baby it's two and for some reason im happy. It's like double the happiness. Twins. Im having twins. We're having twins. I can already see a little brunet haired girl with bright brown eyes and a little boy with a quiff and dark eyes just like his mommy, running around. I can't wait to hold them in my arms.

"Dani, isn't that Anna?" Im distracted from my day dream when Zayn points to a girl standing at the food court in the hospital. It takes me a minute to see straight. It is Anna. What is she doing here?

"Anna!" I call to her. She turns around immediately and literally speed walks to where im standing. "What are you doing here?" I ask when she finally gets to me.

"Steph tried to commit suicide." What the actual fuck?

"What? What is wrong with her? Is she ok? Take me to her!"

"Hey, hey calm down. You're pregnant remember?" Zayn says looking me in the eyes and grabbing me by the shoulders. "Anna can you take us to her." He finally says to her and she leads us to the room where my best friend is at.


"How could you even be capable of cutting yourself? Why would you do that? Do you know what i thought when i saw you there on the floor unconscious? I thought you were dead, Steph! It hurt, it really fucking hurt to see you like that!" I wake up and this is what i have been hearing for the past hour. Niall scolding me is not what i want to hear right now. I have the biggest head ache and the last thing i need or want is him screaming at me. I've heard enough before.

"Stephanie, look at me. I know I'm an idiot for thinking about you in that way. I was scared to lose you! Im sorry for what Harry did and most of all I'm sorry for thinking that you lead him on. Im sorry for all the bullshit, all the name calling, all the yelling, all the fights. Im sorry. When i saw your body on the ground i swear i felt my whole world coming down. Please, please forgive me."

No matter how much he hurt me, i love this man, and thanks to him I'm still a life. I can't believe i was such an idiot to start cutting. After Niall's apology speech there was a knock on the door, and a round bumpy bellied Danielle walked in behind Anna, Zayn following behind them.

"Are you ok? What happened? You almost gave me a heart-attack!" Can she be any louder?

"Im fine, now shut up, even your baby probably thinks your annoying." I tease and im given one of her 'stop talking or ill kill you' glares. It only makes me laugh.

"Speaking about babies, how's the babe? Is it a boy or a girl?" Katie asks.

"About that, its both."

There's whats and hows shotted towards her and she laughs.

"We're expecting twins!" She squeals and we all gasp.

"Thats so cute!" Katie says sounding like a little girl, after her parents buy her the perfect gift for Christmas. She stops soon though and i follow her gaze. It leads me to a sweaty Harry standing by the door way. Great just great.

"Hey lad." Niall says and I'm shocked when i realize he's talking to Harry.

"Hey." Harry waves and my jaw drops another three feet to the floor.

"It's ok, there won't be any fighting, we made up." Niall assures me.

"How are you doing?" The curly haired boy asks.

"Im fine. Just tired but fine."

"Good to hear." He makes his way to where Katie is and i can't help the smile beginning to form on my face.

"I love that smile." I hear someone say, it's Niall.

"And i love you!" I say back.

HEYY PEEPS!!! Please continue reading and don't forget to vote and comment. Also do any of you guys read "After" ????? It's really good. Let me know what you think of Same Mistakes and if you wanna comment about After, your more than welcomed to do so. We can fangirl together!! Love you guys! ❤❤❤

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