Chapter 25

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You can't live without her. You can't dumbass. My subconscious reminded me every minute. I wasn't in the mood for anything but everything around my flat reminded me of Anna. I had to get out. Go get myself distracted some how. My mind was filled with so many things i could be doing with Anna if i hadn't fucked up. Fuck i had to get out of here, or i would go crazy. I got changed and headed to the only place i knew could help me get my mind off of things.


I pulled up at the parking lot and made my way to the front of the long line. The guard at the front door seemed to remember who i was and greeted me with a small smile before letting me in. I walked through the crowd of people until i finally reached the small bar that was held at the very back of the nightclub. I ordered one of my favorite drinks that would definitely make me forget about everything. Sex on the beach. Even the name sounds appetizing. There was girls everywhere. To my luck they were all hot. Not as gorgeous as Anna, but they were still ok. After i had drank at least four of the beverages i could feel myself getting dizzy but that only made it better. Before i knew it i was on the dance floor with some girl. Damn she was hot! Her blonde hair was curled and she had on a navy blue dress that went up to her thighs. She looked like a hoe by the way she moved as she danced but fuck it thats what i came here for. A distraction. She leaned in closer and she was soon rubbing her ass on my front as we moved along with the music. I could feel myself harden as we continued dancing in a rhythmical way. I don't know if it was all the alcohol i had consumed or the fact that i was just desperate, but before thinking things through i turned the girl that was grinding on me, around and pressed my lips against hers. I felt like i hadn't kissed anyone since forever and the sensation was wonderful. If only it had been Anna's lips instead. Shit Anna... I pulled away from the girl in front of me and stared star struck into the eyes of the only women that for once in my lifetime made me feel butterflies. Fuck butterflies, i could feel the whole zoo just by staring into those beautiful caramel colored eyes.


It has been already two weeks since Danielle told me she was pregnant, but i had no idea how to tell the boys. I know they will start to notice as soon as her stomach grows but i just didn't know how to tell them. I hadn't even asked Danielle to get married. Thinking about it, do i even want to get married? Am i even ready to take care of a baby? The more i think about it, the harder it seems. Why the fuck did we not use protection in the first place? Fuck what was i supposed to do now, i didn't just want to tell her 'no' that i wouldn't care for the baby. I loved her, and i would do anything for her, but i'm just not sure if i'm ready for this whole baby thing.

"Zayn? I have an appointment about the baby tomorrow at three and... Well i was wondering if you were going to come with me?" I was distracted from my thinking and i could hear the anxiety in her voice.

"Yeah of course." I could see her sigh of relief and i smiled.

"Did you tell them yet? You know about the baby?" I was surprised by her question and i couldn't find the right words. I shook my head and and received a small 'oh.'

"I haven't told the girls either.." Really? I thought they'd already know by now. I guess she was just as nervous as i was. "I just haven't been thinking straight lately. Im worried about what they'll say..." I thought i'd be the only one going through this but to my surprise i wasn't.


I watched as he stared out the window. It seemed as if he was thinking through things. Thinking.. Thinking about the baby. I knew it was too good to be true. How could i have been so stupid to actually think that for once in my life things would go right?

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