Chapter 43

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I take a minute to decide whether i want to do this or not. I decided to join Louis and face my mother. It is my house after all. I try and try to put the pieces of the puzzle together but nothing makes sense to why she would do this. The unthinkable explanations keep crawling their way to my head and I'm tired of guessing. The pain will always remain inside of me so i might as well just face up to her and have her explain why she would sneak a guy in my house and decide to fuck him in my room.

"It'll be ok. I'm here with you." Louis' encouragement gives me the strength i needed to ring the door bell.

We wait several minutes before she finally opens the door. She doesn't look like the women who i found in my room with some guy. She looks different. She looks like the women i grew up with, my mother.

"Anna? Oh my god Anna. I was so worried about you! Please let me explain. There's so much you have to know. I never wanted you to find out this way, but sadly it had to take you seeing me with Ron, to finally take over my fears and tell you." Her perfectly done make up begins to smear and i wipe away the mascara stains with my thumb.

"Let's go inside and you can explain." Is all i can say for now.

Louis' hand intertwines with mine and i mentally thank God for having Lou by my side at all times.

"What's so important, mom? What is it that you feared to tell me?"

"You have to understand that if i didn't tell you, it was to keep the image of your father, a good one."

"What? What do you mean?" What does my father have to do with this?

" A few months again, two to be exact. I found out that you father had been seeing another women. He hadn't just been seeing her but he.. He has a daughter with her Anna. You have a half sister."

"What are you saying?" I don't have a half sister. She's lying, my father would never do that.

" Your father cheated on me for nine-teen years. He has lied to both of us. He left after i found out, he said he was tired of always arguing. Yes, i know we argued a lot but i loved him, Anna. I loved him so much, and he just left. I couldn't afford the rent of our apartment after he left and i was thrown out. I had no where to go and i lived on the streets ever since. I would go around selling roses that i would pick from gardens, and with the money i earned i would buy some liquor. I couldn't live with the pain baby, i just couldn't." She sobs into my shoulder and as she tells me her story, we both sob together.

"But then, what does this have to do with that guy?" I question what i came to know the answer to.

"Ron, lived out in the streets with me. He helped me out and taught me how to stay safe while sleeping on the dangers streets. I was so scared about staying there but when i met him all fear dissolved. I know it was a stupid act to bring him here and sleep with him in your room, but i honestly don't know what took over me." Now that i know the details, Im happy that my mom met Ron.

"I need to talk to dad. He needs to explain all of this. How long had he been hiding this?" I try to control the tears before they escape and I'm glad that they don't.

"Nine-teen years. Basically since you were born."

"So that means my sister is my age, right?"

"Seems like it."

"Mom? How did you find me?" This is something i've been wanting to know since the day she showed up at my front door.

"I was outside Walmart one day and this girl, she seemed around your age, came up to me. She said i looked familiar. She took out her phone and showed me a picture of you and me when you were around third-teen. I told her to take me to you and here i am now."

The only person I've ever sent a picture of my mom and me, was to Steph because she was making us a special video. So that means steph was the one to tell my mom where i lived. I'm happy she did, but i can't help and feel some what mad because she didn't even tell me.

That doesn't matter right now though. All i want to do is talk to my dad.


"Be careful. Here let me help you." Zayn tells me as I get out of the car.

"I'm fine. You're so over protective." I tease him.

"Well I'm just watching out for you." He laughs and i join him.

The girls don't know that I gave birth to my beautiful babies and they'll be pretty upset when they find out. These past two days have been hell. My back hurts so much, i have no idea why they would let me out the hospital so quick. I guess this is normal.

Little Jake is asleep and Zayn sits with Madeline on the couch. I watch from the kitchen as he runs his fingers down her small face. It's such a beautiful sight, watching the loves of your life having a daughter and father time.

No words can explain how grateful i am to have Zayn in my life. He's been with me all along. He never gave up on me and i know he never will. I remember when i first met him and i instantly fell in love with him. I will admit i fell in love with him from what i saw in the outside, but as i got to know him and i realized how great of a human being he was, my whole soul went crazy over him. Not ever in a million years will i ever find a guy like him, but i know there won't be any need to look for another man, because he is the air i breathe and no other guy will ever be able to give me that. I love him and i will love him until eternity.


"Are you sure? Is this what you want?" I need to hear her say that this is what she wants. What she needs.

"Yes. I want this. I want you." That's enough to get me going.

I pick Stephanie up and carry her to her room without breaking our kiss. I gently lay her on the bed and begin to climb on top of her. Her small moans enter my mouth and she pouts when i break our kiss. I gather the hem of her shirt and lift it over her head, to expose her chest. I turn her around, so that her back is touching my front and i begin to take her bra off. She unexpectedly turns herself around and i try not to drop my jaw at how big her tits are. She lowers her hands to my pants and she begins to take them off as well as my boxers. After she manages to get them off she takes me in her hands and beings to stroke. I swear if she doesn't stop soon, i'll come undone all over her hands. My body looses control and i let myself move with the flow. I nipple gently on her neck and i slowly move to her breast. Cupping one breast with one hand and with my other hand i gently push a finger inside of her. She's so fucking wet and i can tell she wants me desperately. I let go off her breast and reach for my pants to grab a condom, without pulling my finger out of her. I kiss her passionately and assure her that i will be easy on her. My finger is replaced by my length entering her.

Her moans begin to increase, as well as my speed. As i push in and out of her, her hands grab at my back and her finger nails run down, causing pain but not enough to get me to stop. Just as i'm about to reach my climax her small legs wrap around my back and i take a minute to admire how beautiful she looks with her eyes rolled to the back of her head and sweat running down her face. She finally comes undone and i swear i could see her eyes sparkle when they meet mine. She's so fucking perfect and she needs to know that.

"You're perfect you know?"

" I love you." Is what i get in return, although it's not the response i was looking for, it's still a wonderful thing to hear coming from her lips.

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