Chapter 3

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The car ride to the Mall was so fucking loud! Stephanie had recommended to put on some One Direction songs and we had all agreed. We're all huge fans. I mean who wouldn't? They are sexy as fuck! Anyways, Stephanie wouldn't stop singing through the whole ride, i guess she had given up on asking where the hell we were going.

"Are you seriously not going to tell me where we are going?!" Stephanie ask with laughter in her voice.

"Just quit asking we're almost there!" I snapped back.

She could be an annoying little bitch sometimes but she's my best friend, my sister, my everything i can say! She's always there for me and i'll always be there for her. I was the most miserable person ever when she moved but now she was back and all that moving shit was in the past, as well as jerk face, Xavier. I still couldn't believe that it had been 8 months since they broke up. He was one of my best guy friends but he just had to fuck things up and break up with her, he's such an asshole.

"The Mall?" Stephanie asked as we got out of my sexy car, confusion in voice and raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I thought it was a good idea!" Danielle shouted as she got off the car. "Plus, we can walk around, buy clothes, eat some ice cream and just hang out." She continued as she fixed her tight as hell mini skirt.

"Yeah i guess we can." Stephanie respond, this time trying to pull on a fake smile.

"Hey cheer up! We'll have fun!" I said as pulled her into a tight hug.


We walked around the mall for what seemed to be ages! We would stop at every fucking store just to look around for clothes and honestly i couldn't have been more happy. My friends always saw me as the tom-boy of our group but if there was one girly thing i actually enjoyed it was shopping. We stopped at stores like 'Forever 21' 'Victoria Secretes' 'Aeropostale' and so many more that i actually forgot.

"Hey guys whats all the commotion over there?" Katie asked pointing to a huge circle of people.

"I don't know, you guys wanna go find out?" Amal questioned, starting to walk towards the crowd.

We soon reached the crowd of people making our way through to actually see what was going on. And when i saw who every one was gathered around, i couldn't believe what i was fucking seeing!

SORRY! I know it was a really short chapter, but i wanted to get to the exciting part!

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