Chapter 27

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A week. It's been a fucking week since i was released from the hospital and he hasn't bothered to see how i'm doing. Maybe it's because he doesn't know where you live. My subconscious interrupted. Still he could have asked Niall or Stephanie. Wait no he couldn't have asked Steph. My mind slowly drifts back to the day he told me he raped her. I still can't believe that. I know he's an asshole but i didn't think he was that big of a bitch.

I was brought back to reality, and out of my 'Harry' thoughts when i heard a slight knock on my bedroom door.

"Katie? I made you some soup." I have such a great sister. I still feel guilty for yelling at her when all she wanted was to help me with all the depression Harry had caused me.

"Thank you Ari. You didn't have to." I tell her as she walks in with the bowl of soup. I can see the steam from it and it only makes me more hungry.

"It's fine! Now we need to talk. I have so many things to tell you!" She squeaks. I sure did miss a lot didn't i?

"You what? You meet Josh again?!" I had expected a lot of exciting things but this, this was too much from what i thought.

"Yeah on my birthday! He bought me this phone. We text a lot and we're really good friends!" A phone? I can't help be feel upset. She's always wanted a phone and i could never afford to buy her one. I pushed the feeling away not wanting to make her feel bad.

"Friends huh? Are you sure your just friends?" She's had a huge crush on Josh since as long as i can remember. I'd love it if she found someone who cared and treated her the way she deserves.

"Yes Katie just friends." She sighs.

I finish up my soup as she continues to tell me what has happened over the time i was 'absent.' I can't believe Louis cheated on Anna. With Angie. It seems i didn't really miss out on much. I still can't get the fact that Harry raped Steph, out of my head.

"Are you even listening?!" I didn't notice i wasn't paying attention to Ariana. I was too busy thinking about Stephanie. I had to go see her. I need to talk to her.

"No sorry i'm just tired. I'm probably going to go see Steph tomorrow. If you want i'll go pick you up from school and you can come with me." She of course accepts my offer and i lay back in bed to sleep. It's been a long day.

*next day*


Work today was so boring. I got there and there was seriously nothing to do. I really like my work, i don't get to do much. Just read manuscripts and rate them for my boss to see. Usually they are really good, but today they have been shit. I feel bad for these people, they honestly need some writing lessons.

By the time i get home it's 4:30 and i see Katie's car parked outside my house. Why didn't she call to tell me she would be here? I checked my phone for any calls from her because she always calls. My phone is dead. I wonder how long she's been waiting.

"Hey Katie! Sorry i didn't answer your calls, my phone was dead." I explain.

"It's fine. I just came to talk, i figured we could catch up on somethings." What? What things do we need to talk about?

We walked in the house and i hadn't noticed Ariana was behind Katie. I walked up to her and greeted her before pulling her into a hug.

"So what do we need to talk about?" I couldn't hold the question any longer.

"Just things. Maybe about Niall, or just things you know? Maybe even about Harry?" Oh shit! My eyes widen as the mention of his name enters my ears.

"Steph, i.. I know what he did to you.." What? How does... How does she know? I could feel Ariana's eyes on me but i decide to ignore her and focus on what Katie had just said.

"What.. What exactly are you talking about?" I had to force the words out of my mouth, other wise i would have stayed quiet the entire time.

"Im saying that i know he.. Steph, you know what im talking about.." Yeah, i do,i just wish that you didn't and that we wouldn't be talking about this. How does she even know? Oh my god if she knows then maybe Niall does too? But if he did then why hasn't he said anything?

"Listen, your probably not going to believe me.. But when i was still in a coma i.. I could see myself sleeping. One day i saw when Harry came to visit me. He told me everything. He was crying.. He told me.. He told me he loved me... That he regrets raping you. He's truly sorry... But he's such an asshole!" What? Harry told her? Wait did she just say she could see herself sleeping? What the fuck!

"What the fuck? He raped you?!" Ariana yells, bringing me back to the real world.

"Ariana be quiet, please." Katie sighs.

"Yeah he did. Katie im sorry i know you love him but you deserve better than that... Than a guy like that!" I say in between sobs. Can this day seriously get any worse? As i sob uncontrollably i hear a knock on the door. It wasn't a knock actually, it was more of a banging. Ariana gets up to reveal a furious Niall standing behind the door. I could being to see the steam coming from his ears. Fuck...


He fucking raped her! I came to her house to go out and hang out and i come to this shit?! When did this even happen? When the hell was she going to tell me?! I was more than angry, i was so pissed off. Pissed that he raped her, pissed that she didn't tell me, pissed that i couldn't do anything to stop it, pissed that i didn't even fucking know it happened.

"He raped you?! Answer me Stephanie!" I hate to yell at her like this but there's just so much anger in me at this moment.

She nods letting me know he did, and i pull my shit together before i break down in front of her. I can't stay here i have to go find him.

"Niall where are you going? Niall!" Steph yells at me as i run out her house, but i ignore her. I have to get away.

"Niall! Niall don't do something you will regret." Beating the shit out of him is something i won't regret. I say as i get in my car.

The drive to Harry's house seemed to take ages. I was just anxious to get my hands on him. I can't believe my best friend... I mean that asshole raped my girlfriend. I told him how much she meant to me and he just has to go fuck her. As i pull up to his house i get out of my car and slam the door, i seriously thought it would fall off.

" Open the fucking door Harry!" I yell as the anger increases and the nerves disappear.

"What the hell Niall whats all the chaos about?" Oh let me think.. You fucking raped my girl.

I don't quite understand what i did to have him against the wall. I was ready to punch him in the face but Stephanie's words jump in my head like a sign popping out of nowhere. "Niall don't do something you will regret ." They read. Fuck...

I drop my hand down at my side, still in a fist. He pushes me back gently and just stares at me. Stop fucking staring at me or i will beat the shit out of you for really this time. I thought.

"What the hell was that?!" Confusion clear in his raspy voice.

"You fucking raped her! Why the fuck would you do that?!" I wish i would just be smashing his head against the hard concrete floor but because of the big pussy i am, i just don't have the balls.

"Niall...i..." He stopped, as if coming up with an explanation, more of an excuse i would say.

"You what? You what Harold? You were desperate, that's what you were, weren't you?"

He picked at the skin on his finger nails, too scared to say something.

"Fucking answer me Harry! Just fucking say it! Why would you?!" I fucking swear if he doesn't speak in the next 10 seconds i will loss it!

"I... I was just desperate." Fucking asshole.

"Fuck you Harry. Your a real asshole you know. Just.. Fuck you!" He had to fucking ruin everything.

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