Chapter 37

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"Where are you living now?" I ask the women sitting in front of me, who claims to be my mother.

"I got kicked out of the apartment i was living in, because i couldn't afford the rent anymore." She takes a sip of her coffee. "So i basically have no where to live." I give her a sympathetic smile, unsure of what to say to her.

"How's your life so far? After you moved out i thought you would be living with a friend or something. I never thought you would be able to afford your own house." She says after a few minutes of silence.

"It wasn't easy but the hard work payed off." I respond.

After i moved out, i worked my butt off more than any 16 year old should. I worked in the mornings and studied at night online. Now here i am three years later, with my own house, a job that pays me a decent amount of money, a boyfriend, and my friends. I have to admit, i appreciate what live has given me.

The time i've spent talking to my mother seems to have been going fast and there is soon a sudden knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone, and i can't help my heart from fluttering at the sight of Louis standing outside.

"Come in!" I say after releasing him from my hug.

"Someone missed me." He teases.

His smile disappears when he spots the filthy women sitting on my couch. He gives me a face as to say "who is this?" And i am quick to respond.

"Louis this is... This is my mom." I say and his shock state increases.

Being the polite gentleman he is, he walks over to her and introduces himself. Even for the simplest things that he does, i can't help but be extremely happy to have him in my life.

"Mom this is my boyfriend, Louis." I say to her.

While my mother and my boyfriend talk, i decided to make lunch. It's nearly two and i am starving, im guessing they are too. My mind wanders to why my mom ended up this way. I remember her getting so mad for having just one piece of hair sticking out of my head. She was so strict, so elegant. What happened? The blush on her cheeks was replaced by dirt, her perfectly curled hair was replaced with nots, her beautiful clothing was replaced by old rags. I can't help but feel guilty.

As we eat, everyone remains silent. Not even small talk is made. Im too busy watching as she eats the spaghetti and meat balls with a piece of fried chicken. My eyes soon find louis' and i can tell he is uncomfortable. I can't blame him, i have told him a lot of my life stories and he sure as hell knows a lot about the way my mother treated me.


"Ok guys, take out your assignments from last night, i'll come around and collect them." Professor Miller announced.

Much to my surprise, Nicholas had his done. I feel like a complete idiot for not doing it. I had planned on doing it last night, but instead i got up from my bed, got changed and headed to the club.

Im distracted from my flashback of last night when i hear someone whispering my name. I can't help the smile from forming on my face when my eyes meet his. Nicholas hands me his work sheet.

"Just erase my name off." What?

"No, i can't take this." I say but he is quick to erase his name off and put mine. By the time Professor Miller walks up to me, the piece of paper is neatly sitting on my desk.

'Thanks' i mouth to him. He chuckles and i can't help but smile. Why am i smiling so often now a days?

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