Chapter 6

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My biggest dream had come true! Liam fucking Payne! I saw Liam Payne! Actually not only had i seen him, but i had also met him and ate ice cream with him! Oh God can this day get any better?! We were all having a great time, but then Stephanie had to say it was getting dark out! I didn't really mind leaving because i had already gotten what i wanted! I figured if i didn't get Liam's number before we left, i'd never see him again. So i just kinda tweeted that i was eating ice cream in front of Liam Payne and i tagged him. To my surprise he retweeted me and asked for my number, of course i deleted the tweet soon after he gave me a look that he had gotten it. After a few seconds of deleting my tweet i got a text. It was from him. God, i swear it took every inch of my body to not jump and start freaking out. I honestly think i've never been in love with anyone else that wasn't Liam. He just meant the whole world to me! He made me feel strong even at the hardest parts of my life. He was the reason i smiled even when i was having a terrible day. It was obviously because of him that i was still alive....


I noticed that all my friends were making weird eye contacts with the guys. Stephanie with Niall, Anna and Angie with louis, Amal with Liam and Danielle with Zayn. But Harry just sat there enjoying his ice cream. He never even laid his eyes on me. Was it that he had no interest in me? I mean i know im not pretty, but am i that ugly? Ugly enough that not even Harry Styles would look at me? I didn't know what it was, but it made me feel horrible. Why was i even here? How did i even have friends? Most importantly why was i still alive?

My life isn't all that bad, i have friends that care for me, but sometimes i wondered if they actually cared for me or was it just that they felt bad for me? I have a younger sister, Arianna. We are only 1 year part but i care for her alot, she's the only family i have left. Our parents died in a car crash 1 years ago. Ever since we've lived by ourselves. We didn't want to go to an orphanage, so we went to live with my grandma. Sadly she died 5 months after. After our grandma's death, i was legally old enough to live on my own and take care of my sister. I found a job as receptionist and thankfully it's been going great, i make enough money to pay the rent for the apartment that Arianna and i are living in, the bills, and for food. I met Anna at work she was also working as a receptionist. She introduced me to the rest of the girls and ever since i've been best friends.


I didn't even know how to explain how i felt when i first saw her outside the mall. It was like a little, delicate angle had fallen straight from heaven. Her long, wavy hair seemed to get brighter with every ray of sun shining down on it. I had tried my best to not stare at her at the ice cream shop, i didn't want her to think i was being a stalker or anything close to that. She seemed so peaceful just sitting there eating her chocolate and vanilla ice cream, but there seemed to be something wrong. It was almost as if something was bothering her. I couldn't quite figure out what it was, but it must have been really bothering her, because every time i looked up at her she seemed to have been a step closer to crying.



"I don't understand why you guys are so happy about!" I said as we got out of Angie's car and making our way to Stephanie's house

"Danielle! We just met One Direction, and your asking why we are so happy? Did you losing your fucking head or something?" Angie yelled as she closed the house door behind her.

I shrugged my shoulders almost as to say 'so'. I still didn't understand what all the excitement was about, i mean they are just guys. Really sexy guys... But still it's not that big of a deal. I laid down on Stephanie's couch as i took my heels off, shit my feet were killing me! Anna went to the kitchen to do some random shit, whatever she was doing she was being too loud. She always cook for us when she was over any of our houses. I'm not sure why but she just did, she didn't even ask, but it's not like we cared. I think it's just because she thinks we all suck at cooking, and she was just showing. We liked it though, i had to admit her food was so damn delicious!

After we had Anna's 'famous' spaghetti and meat balls, we watched our favorite scary movie, Mama. I guess we all fell asleep during the movie, because i woke up in the morning and saw Stephanie, Angie and Anna sleeping on the floor while katie and me slept on the couch, well that was good, at least i hadn't slept on the floor all night.

"Guys wake up!" I yelled, as i walked over to use the bathroom. When i got out i found Anna in the kitchen, like usual and the rest of the girls sitting on the table talking about something.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them as i joined them at the table.

"Not much actually, just talking about last night, and how Niall never called Stephanie and she's freaking out." Katie answered me.

"Are you serious? You're still talking about them? Guys they are just boys!" I told them. I could tell they weren't so happy with my sentence.

"Ok that's it! What is going on with you Danielle! I thought you were a fan!?" Stephanie snapped back at me.

"Whoa calm down! I am it's just--it's just I can't deal with the fact that i might never see Zayn again, and it's seriously killing me inside." I spoke as fast as i could. "I thought that maybe, just maybe if i acted like i didn't care i would be able to get that thought out of my head." I finished off.

I got aww's from all of them and soon after Stephanie's phone rang....

Heyyy guys! Since this is my first fan fiction i'm really worried about what people think about it, so PLZ comment how you guys are liking it so far. Thnx guys ❤

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