Chapter 23

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I tried not to look at him as disgust traveled through my body. He stood up from where he was sitting and i could feel his eyes locked on mine.

"Hey lad." Niall said walking over to him. I stood behind Niall unsure of what to do. My mind told me to leave the room immediately but my feet froze and everything was starting to fade. "Babe? Are you ok?" I was brought back to reality by Niall's voice.

"Yeah, im fine." I assure him. Harry's eyes are still locked on me. What the fuck is his problem? Does me expect me to talk to him after what he did? What an asshole.

"Harry, i thought i told you that you weren't allowed to see Katie." I turned to Ariana and gave her a small smile and looked back at Harry. He looked at the floor as he spoke quietly.

"I really wanted to see her."

"Well you do know that you're the reason she's like this, don't you?" Ariana's voice was getting louder and Niall spoke up before Harry could say something.

"Ari, why do you keep saying that? How is it Harry's fault?" His voice was soft but serious.

"The night before Katie got in this coma crap, she got home from Stephanie's house with tears all over her face. She locked herself in her room and didn't say a word. I asked her what was wrong, i asked her if it was because of Harry and she cursed me out... Because of him... And then she didn't wake up. It's all his fault!" I could see the endless tears escaping her eyes and there was nothing else i could do, but comfort her. Harry had done enough harm...

"I didn't know she cried over me." Harry said quietly. Too quietly, but i was able to catch his words.

"Well now you do! So just get out." I was surprised by the way i had just yelled at him and i could tell they all were. Niall looked up at me and then back at Harry before staring at the ground. I know it must be hard for him to see his girlfriend and his best friend arguing but Harry deserved it. He walked out of the room and i walked over to Katie. I wish i could tell her that Harry didn't deserve her that she was way to good for him but i knew she couldn't hear and i would feel stupid talking to myself.


I had forgotten how good it felt to feel the slight sting of Vodka running down my throat. Ahhh. I had given up on drinking a few months ago, but Anna's absence was forcing me to have a few drinks. I couldn't live without her i just couldn't. I thought i had finally found the right one. The one that would stick with me through good and bad but i fucked up. I wanted her forgiveness, i needed her forgiveness. If only... If only i knew how to get her to forgive me. I took the bottle of Vodka and chugged half the bottle, i was going to have to go out and get more later. As i took another drink i heard the door open. In came a devastated Harry. He looked so depressed as he walked over and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Want a sip?" I offered him. He took the bottle and drank the remainders. He gave me a 'sorry' look and i told i'd go out and get another one. "Whats wrong? You look upset."

"I went to see Katie and i saw Stephanie..." He trailed off as he mentioned Steph, but he continued. "And Ariana kicked me out again."

I pat him on the back and i told him about Anna. It hurt more than i thought it would just by telling him. I could tell he felt sorry for me and i was sorry for him as well. I know he felt horrible about what he did to Stephanie. He came home right after it happened and he told me the next day. I also told him about Angie, and i knew he felt bad. I was getting anxious and i needed a drink. I was being so stupid for making the same mistakes over a lost love, but i wasn't ready to lose Anna and i knew i never would be.


Something really strange was happening between Anna, Louis and Angie. I couldn't quite put a finger on it but i knew it must be really bad. I decided to leave Amal and Anna by themselves so they could talk, and i could go talk to Lou and see if i could find something out. I wasn't trying to be nosy but i was getting worried. They're my friends, more like brothers and i want to be there for them. I drove to Louis' and knocked on the door as i approached the porch. To my surprise Harry answered the door and he was drunk, extremely drunk. I walked past him to find Louis laying on the couch holding up a pillow and kissing it. 'Anna you have to forget me... I mean forgive me. I love you baby.' He kissed the pillow again and i couldn't help but laugh a little. I was brought back to reality as i remembered that Louis had given up on drinking months ago.

"Louis! What the fuck? Why are you doing this? What happened between you and Anna?" I sounded more anxious i should be.

"You.." He burt before continuing. "You wanna know what happened...? I sucked.. Fucked i meant fucked her best friend!" His voice was rising and i felt the tension in the room grow. He laid who? Oh god. I couldn't believe what i had just heard. Louis wasn't that type of guy. Maybe i should wait until he's sober to ask him.

"Leeyam." I heard Harry say and i turn around to find him only about a foot away. "You wanna know something about me?" What is wrong with them? I know people act stupid when they are drunk but these two are acting like complete retards. "I put my, you know what, into Stephanie's, you what.." What?! I saw the pain in his eyes and i could tell he wasn't lying and he probably regretted it. What the fuck had i missed? I couldn't believe what they had done, but i could tell it hurt them more than they expected. If they want to keep a girl for once, they can't keep doing the same mistakes...

HEEYYY BABES!!! guys this is really important for me and yeah i might sound desperate but it would mean so much if i could get more reads. Thank u guy for all the reads!! Keep it up and dont forget to vote and comment. Love u! ❤❤❤

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