Chapter 28

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"Fuck you Harry. Your a real asshole you know. Just.. Fuck you!" Niall said before walking away and slamming the door behind him.

What the actual fuck?! I know I'm a real asshole for fucking up terribly, but Niall wanting to beat the shit out of me caught me off guard. He's stronger than i thought. I have to fix things. I know i can't take back what i did, but there's gotta be something i could do to make things better.


I woke up early with fucking blue rings around my eyes from my lack of sleep. Coming up with a way of fixing all my bullshit was harder than i had expected. I have to talk to someone. Maybe i could ask Louis for some help? Nah he's too busy with all his shit. I don't want to drag him into mine. Liam? Yeah he would definitely help. He's always good with problem solving.

After what seemed to be hours he arrived.

"Whats wrong mate?" He asked as he took in my expressions.

"I have so much shit going on Liam and i just need your help." I admit.

"What makes you think i can help?" He smiled at the end of his sentence to make it look like he wasn't being rude. God Liam how can you be so fucking nice.

"Well... I made a horrible mistake.. And now Niall is mad at me.. He wanted to beat the shit out of me... I... I raped Stephanie." I waited for his expression to change, i waited for the yelling to come, but it didn't. Instead he took in a deep breath and sighed.

"I knew that... You told me that night i came and you were drunk. Louis told me he slept with Angie and you told me you raped Steph. I knew it wasn't the alcohol talking. I could see the pain through your eyes." I told him? I don't even remember that night. Fuck well at least i don't have to be so shy to tell him now. How the fuck did i mess up so bad. This is all bullshit.. Im bullshit.

"Liam.. I didn't mean to. I was just so confused and i missed katie and... And i was drunk and high and i just lost it... I really didn't mean to.."

"Harry, i know you didn't mean to. But that was a really bad move, you should have told Niall as soon as possible and you should have asked for an apology, no matter how hard it was." He's right, i should have, but i didn't so that's why i need his help. To make things right.

"So are you going to help me?" I ask him.

"Of course i am, Harry. I always will."


Out of all people she had to come to me. I stared as she cried uncontrollably, with her face buried deep in her small hands. God Anna, just stop before i end up crying with you.

"He fucking dared to kiss me after everything he has done." She sobbed.

I rubbed her back gently hoping the motion would calm her down, but it didn't. I'm not good at dealing with this kind of situation. I don't understand how Liam can help everyone with their problems. A smile appeared on my face as i thought about him. Stop it Amal, your best friend is crying her heart out and your sitting here thinking about your boyfriend.

"Anna, have you tried listening to him? I mean i know Angie probably told you what happened, but have you tried listening to his side of the story?"

"She didn't tell me... She only said she was really drunk that night and that they fucked.. Thats all she told me." What the fuck. I don't understand her sometimes, she is way to nice.

"Anna... Then how come you forgave Angie but you can't accept Louis' apology?"

"I can't! He doesn't deserve it! He cheated on me Amal, he fucking cheated on me with my best friend." Gosh she's stubborn.

"And isn't it the same thing saying, your best friend cheated on you with your boyfriend?" She can't continue to make this boy suffer. I know what he did was wrong, extremely wrong but he loves her, and there is no doubt in that.

"No.. Well.. Maybe it is, but still.. He shouldn't have done it! He hurt me, badly."

"God dammit! Just listen to the pour kid! He loves you and im sorry to say it, but your really blind by not seeing what your making him go through!" I lost it, she is making him suffer and he doesn't deserve that. I know he's going through hell, by what Liam has told me.

"Why are you defending him?" I might as well just tell her.

"You wanna know what he's been doing because of you?! He's been starting to drink again, and apparently he had stopped just a few months ago when you both started dating! Liam found him one day, drunk laying on the couch with a pillow in hand saying shit like 'Anna please forgive me baby, i can't live without you!' He can't fucking live without you Anna! It probably wasn't even his fault! You'll never know unless you talk to him!"

I was out of breath after i finished speaking and she just stared at me, motionless.

"So your insinuating that it was Angie the one to rub herself onto him?" Her sobs were replaces by disgust.

"Anna that's not what im..."

"Forget it Amal i have to go anyways." She cut me off and left my house, closing the door behind her without turing back to look at me.


My days and nights were spent with me laying in bed with a bottle of liquor in hand. My thoughts were consumed by those brown eyes that would sparkle in the sunlight. The brown eyes that i could see through and find happiness behind. Those brown eyes that are now replaced by darkness and all because of me...

The last time my eyes made contact with those brown eyes that would make my heart flutter was last night and it was the worst night of my life. Even though her eyes would make me smile, last night her eyes only shattered my heart. They weren't the same. They didn't have that bright glimpse to them, instead the light was replace by what seemed to be anger, fear and depression all in one. Her eyes didn't shine anymore and i couldn't help but blame myself.

I throw the bottle of liquor at the wall, only to reveal the evidence of my addiction. I lost her... The more i thought about it, the more it seemed to hurt. The hole in my chest grew bigger with every thought, with every image, with every memory.

Maybe it was for the best? She deserves to find someone who will care for her, not that i don't, but someone who can make her happy. She's too good for me. She deserves better. I should just stay away from her, give her a chance to move on. She deserves to find someone who's better for her. I should just act as if i don't care, even though it'll hurt like fuck it's for her best. I can't bare to think how heartbroken she will be if i ever fuck up again. Because no matter how hard i try, i will always end up making the same mistakes.


I walked home after leaving Amal's house. I didn't want to talk nor see anyone, i just wanted peace. That's all i ask for, it's all i need right now. As i walked i couldn't get Amal's words out of my head.

"It probably wasn't even his fault! You'll never know unless you talk to him!" She had said.

Was it even his fault? I guess i'll never know unless i actually talk to him. I can't though, i can't dare to see him. I know if i do try to talk to him i will just give in, and that's exactly what i don't want. I need to hold my ground, i can't let him think that i'm an easy target. That he can just do something that's wrong and expect me to be ok with it. I don't want that, i really don't, not anymore...

That's how all guys are right? They think they can just walk over you without an apology. But Louis did ask for apology, i just didn't give it to him. Maybe i'm just being too exaggerated? No i have to hold my ground no matter how small the detail was. I'll just give myself time to think things through, i'll give him time to apologize the way he's suppose to.

If he looks for me again to say that he's sorry and that he loves me, when he's actually sober than i will consider accepting his apology, but if he doesn't... Well i don't know and don't want to think about what will happen if he doesn't come back to me... If he doesn't fight for my forgiveness... For my love.

HEYYY GUYYYSSS!! Just wanted to thank you guys for all the reads! Keep it up and don't forget to vote and comment!! ❤❤❤

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