Chapter 12

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It was fun spending the day with Niall, the girls and the guys. Everything was going great, we were all having fun until we started playing spin the bottle. That stupid bottle had to land on Harry and me! I noticed Niall get pretty jealous but it's not like anything was going to happen between me and Harry. Niall had nothing to worry about. I got up and followed Harry into the closet. Once we were in there we remained silent, but right before the door opened i felt a pair of soft, cold lips brush up and down mine. Wtf?! Was all my brain said. Did he seriously just fucking kiss me?! I couldn't tell Niall what had just happen. Not only would i lose him but it could ruin his friendship with Harry. I had to keep my mouth shut. I tried to act like nothing had happened once i was out of the closet. I slowly walked out and made my way to go sit with Niall.

"Nothing happened baby, i promise." I told him as i kissed him slowly.

"Ok babe, i trust you." He said as we pulled away.


When i got home i was tired as fuck, but i couldn't sleep. I can't believe i was so stupid to kiss one of my best friend's girlfriend. Niall would beat the living shit out of me if he found out. I couldn't tell him! I couldn't lose a great friend like him, so i guess i'll just shut up about this whole kissing situation. I doubt Stephanie would tell him, and i was really hoping i was right. I didn't even know why i kissed her. I loved Katie, or did i? I was having a whole bunch of different emotions at Stephanie's house. I was sad and anger that Katie didn't care about me and i guess i was desperate. I loved Katie but at the same time i was also attracted by Stephanie. Holy fuck this can't be happening! I can't fall in love with Niall's girl. I was so lost in my own thoughts that before i knew it i was fast asleep.


Katie seemed so sad when she got home after spending the day at Stephanie's like she did every friday. She was always sad, but this time she was more than other times and that worried me. I walked slowly to her room not wanting to make any noises just in case she was asleep.

"Katie, whats wrong. You seem so sad." I said softly as i sat on her bed.

"Nothing just leave me alone please." She said as she wiped mascara stains away from her eyes.

"No im not going to leave you alone until you tell me whats wrong! It's because of Harry isn't it?! You saw him again!" I was suddenly raising my voice and i tried to calm down.

"Just shut the fuck up! Leave me alone, you have no right to yell at me like that! You need to start respecting me Ariana, im the oldest and im the one who works her ass off to put food on the table. You would be nothing without me, so just get the fuck out. I want to be alone." Katie has never yelled at me like that. I did as i was told. I ran out of her room wiping away the tears that were rushing down my face.


"Just shut the fuck up! Leave me alone, you have no right to yell at me like that! You need to start respecting me Ariana, im the oldest and im the one who works her ass off to put food on the table. You would be nothing without me, so just get the fuck out. I want to be alone." I suddenly yelled at Ariana. I didn't mean any of the stuff i said, but i was so depressed and anger that i had no control of what i was saying. I last thing i saw before everything turned dark was Ariana's eyes filled with tears and running out of my room.


I wasn't sure for how long i had been asleep, but it seemed like forever. I tried to open my eyes, but i couldn't. Everything was so dark. I wanted to go apologize to Ariana for being so rude last night, she just wanted to know what was wrong and i just made her feel bad. I wanted to get up from my bed, but just as i tried to move i couldn't feel my legs, nor my waist, nor my hands, nor anything. Wtf was going on?! Why can't i fucking move! I tried calling Ariana but no words left my mouth.


It must have been around 7:30 when i heard my phone ringing on the side of my pillow.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked as i rubbed my eyes.

"Stephanie it's me, Ariana. You have to help me i-i don't know whats wrong with Katie! She's not waling up! I don't if she's breathing!" Ariana yelled in the phone. I could tell she was crying and i felt tears escaping my eyes as i heard her.

"Ok calm down! I'll be there soon call an ambulance and i'll meet you at the hospital!" I told her and i hanged up to get changed as fast i could. I pulled on a pair of yoga pants, a hoodie over a tank top and my black vans. I put my hair up in a fast ponytail and rushed out the door and got in my old ass car, this shit better turn on i yelled as i started the engine, thank god! I drove as fast as i could and finally reached the hospital. I hoped Katie was okay....

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