Chapter 19

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I walked and walked and walked until i no longer knew where i was. How... How did this even happen? Oh yeah my boyfriend i mean ex and my best friend fucked, in the same house i was in! How could they be so cruel i mean how could they be so stupid? They could have at least gone somewhere else. The thing is now im here, in this, this place that i have never seen. I didn't know where i was but it felt scary.. Everything was so.. So dark. It must have been around 10:00, i dont know. I was really scared as fuck but i couldn't go back to them, not even if i knew my way back...


After Niall left with Ariana i couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and made myself a jelly sandwich. I watched T.V for a while and then i started to feel dizzy, i wasn't sure what was wrong but everything around me seemed to spin. I quickly got up from the couch and ran to the bathroom. Why had i thrown up? I had no idea what to do but soon images of Harry on top of me got me thinking the worst. I put on my shoes and grabbed my car keys and i drove to the pharmacy.


"Excuse me? Could you tell me where the pregnancy test are?" I asked the lady at the register.

"Sure, they're in section B-9." She pointed to the section, i said thank you and i walked to the section i was told to go. I didn't know much about these things but i got the pregnancy test that another short, blond lady recommended.


I stood in the bathroom waiting for my results. What if it came out positive? Oh dear Lord, what was i going to tell Niall?! That his best friend raped me? Yeah right like he was actually going to believe me. Right before i could look at my results i heard someone knocking on the door. Who could it be? Were Niall and Ariana back? I quickly hid the test and rushed to get the door. I peeked through the peek hole and i stepped back as the image of a familiar man stood behind the door...


"Niall can you at least give me a hint of what the 'big' surprise is?" I questioned Niall as we walked around the aquarium. He shook his head 'no' and i sighed.

"Listen it won't be a surprise if i told u! Now come on we're almost there." He said.

We saw a lot of interesting fish and other sea animals. I've never been to an aquarium. Not even when my parents were a live. I just really wished Katie was here to see all of this. I really needed to feel her warm hugs.

"Ariana stay here ok i have to go get your surprise." Niall said as he disappeared into the crowd of people.

I stayed where i was told, just watching the sharks above me from the glass cave. I suddenly felt a pair of strong hands cover my eyes. I was so scared that i elbowed the person in the stomach.

"Woah take it easy tiger." That voice.. I've heard that voice before. I turned around to find the one and only 'Josh Hutcherson.

"Oh my god Josh I'm so sorry. I really am. Oh god please forgive me." I helped him get up and i pulled into a huge bear hug. Man, that was one tight hug. Niall finally got back and i ran up to him telling him that i had just met Josh Hutcherson and that he was waiting for us over by the shark cave.

"You're welcome."

"What?" I asked Niall, confused by what he had just said.

"Did you like your surprise?" He questioned.

"Niall... Thank you!" He was the best. Stephanie was a really lucky girl to have a guy like Niall. He was so sweet and he cared so much about her, and everyone around her.


Liam and i just heard the news about Anna missing. I felt like i had just been stabbed a million times.

"Baby, what do i need to do to make you feel better?" Liam asked me

"Theres really nothing anyone can do for me right now. All you can do is stay by my side to comfort me." He pulled me closer to him and said "then that's exactly what i'll do." We stayed wrapped around each other in my bed and then my phone rang.


"Amal?!" Oh my fuck! " Amal it's me. It's Anna. Amal please help me im scared. I dont know where i am." Anna? Oh my god my boo is ok.

"Anna calm down boo. Ok, so you don't know where you are but boo at least your ok. Now tell me what are your surroundings?" She sounded so scared and it killed me to hear her like this.

"Well theres this restaurant and i think it's called 'Horizon Sky.' It's really scary here, there's graffiti every where. In starving and i have no money. Amal please come get me."

"Don't worry i'll find you soon. I'll be on my way as soon as i find that place. If anything happens call me ok?" I got changed as fast as i could and i started to shake Liam. "Babe. Babe get up. Anna called! Liam get up." I hadn't realized i had been yelling at him.

"What? Anna called? Where is she?" He too was worried and anxious to know everything.

"I dont know but we have to find her. We have to look for all the 'Horizon Sky' restaurants in New Jersey! Come on lets go." We rushed out of the house and the only thing i could think about was finding my friend.

HELLO PEOPLE! Im so sorry, i know i haven't been updating but i've had a really rough week and i dont even know. But i promise i'll update soon i have a lot of exciting things that are going to happen. Keep up the reads. Love u guys. Also please comment your thoughts of my story!! ❤❤❤

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