Chapter 20

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I peeked through the peek hole and i stepped back as the image of a familiar man stood behind the door... Was it him? Oh God no please no. It's been so long and out of nowhere he just shows up! What the fuck did he even want? I was getting so angry as the memories of my teen years flashed one by one in my head. My thoughts were interrupted by 'Jeremy' knocking on the door once more. I slowly opened the door, expecting the yelling to come at me at once. Instead i was pulled into a huge tight hug.

"Baby girl it's been forever." His soft voice entered my ears and i was fucking shocked. "I've missed you so much. How have you been?" He released me and i offered him to sit down.

"I've been good, but what brings you here?" I was still really shocked and the words just escaped my mouth.

"Well i was on a business trip and i figured i could come visit my baby sister." What? Was he fucking serious? His 'baby sister'? This must have been a joke. Why was he acting like he actually cared when he had been a bitch to me in all my previous years of my fucked up life. You see a month after we moved back from texas, my dad died in a car crash. In that point in life i felt dead as well. No one truly understood me like my dad did. What can i say, i was a daddy's girl. My mom and brother were always so close and they didn't really like me. I dont know why but it's not like i cared. I always had my dad backing me up but when he died everything just turned into fucking hell. Jeremy is my older brother. And he and my mom were fucking monsters. That's why i moved out and now he was back for i don't even know why but he was back.

"So why exactly are you here?" I questioned him. He was obviously here for something, i didn't believe any of his shit about being here to see me. Maybe mom sent him. I dont know, but i had to find out.

"I already told you. I wanted to see you. It's been forever. Stephanie it's been almost two years." His voice was soft but i could tell he was lying.

"Yeah two years and my life has been just fine without you and now you come back! For what? To ruin it like you did before? Because let me tell you, if you're here to make my life shit again, you can just get out because i'm not letting you ruin me again." Tears suddenly rushed down my cheeks and my voice was cracking but i continued. "You and mom made my life a living hell and im not letting that happen again. Do you here me not again!" My breathing was speeding up but i was confident of what i was saying.

"Steph, calm down please. Listen i know mom and i haven't been the best but please im so sorry. I know i was bitch of a brother but i've changed i promise. Please just calm down." I sat down once more and for the first time i had a brotherly conversation with my brother.


Katie was still in a coma and Anna was missing, great just great. What next, Angie gets kidnapped? Fuck why did all this happen. What i don't understand was why Anna just ran away like that? It made no sense. And why was it only Angie and Louis the ones who knew what happened? Whatever it was it was fucking fucked up.

"What are you thinking of?" Zayn said as he looked at me. He always stared at me, he said it was because he always tried to figure out what was going through my mind by my expressions.

"Nothing i was just thinking about everything that's happening. Katie in a coma, Anna missing. What's next?" A tear slipped down my face and Zayn pulled me into a tight hug.

"Danielle we need to talk." There it was. This always happened to me. They got what they wanted and then they left. I knew i shouldn't have got too attached to him i just knew it. " Is there anything you need to tell me?" What? No there was nothing i needed to tell him. What is he talking about? Where was this even going? " I found that pregnancy test in the bathroom the other day." Shit..

"What? What are you talking about?" God dammit i knew i should have told him but i just didn't know how. He was definitely going to leave me now.

"Danielle are you pregnant? Tell me the truth, are you?" He had a serious expression on his face and i didn't know what to say. I tried to find the words but nothing came to mind.

I nodded slowly and my face showed the amount of shame i had. I wasn't ashamed of having the baby but i was ashamed that Zayn would think of my in a bad way now that i was pregnant! I expected him to say it was over but instead he let go of me and kissed my stomach.

"Hi little person. I don't know if your a boy or a girl but you will be very loved. You just made me the happiest guy in the world." He looked at me and kissed me. I couldn't help but to start crying of all the excitement i had. He was actually going to accept this. Of course he would, he was Zayn Malik. The best guy in the universe.


I raped her.... How could i have been so fucking stupid to rape my best friend's girl? Your such a fucking retard Harry. I yelled at myself. I had to tell somebody this. I grabbed my car keys and i headed to the hospital.


"Hey katie. It's me, Harry. I know i haven't been here to visit you a lot, but last time i was here your sister kicked me out." Yeah i know i'm being fucking stupid talking to a girl who can't even hear me, but i just had to tell someone.

"I know you can't hear me but i just really have to get this off my chest. I dont really know how to say this so im just going straight to the point. I raped my best friend's girlfriend. Yea that's right.. I raped Stephanie.. Your best friend. Katie im really sorry. If i had told you from the start that i love you, none of this would be happening. I just thought you didn't feel the same about me and i was too big of a pussy to tell you. Im so sorry." There i said it. It was off my chest, well not completely but i felt less guilty. I got up and did something i never thought i would do. I did what i did and i was out of there.


Everything is pitch black and i feel like I'm spinning in circles. The last thing i remember was arguing with Ariana and then waking up and being unable to move, but from that point on everything remains a flood. I slowly start to gain my balance and i notice im in a white room. It looks like a hospital room. There's a bed and there's someone in the bed. I walk up closer to see who the person is. Holy fucking shit! No how is this even possible? How could it be ME laying there unconscious? Im losing it. Im so confused. Am i dead? Why am i not in my body? What the hell is going on? All my thoughts were interrupted when the room door suddenly opens. It's him. Oh my god it's actually him. Harry walks up to me, well my body and sits down on the chair next to the bed.

"Hey katie. It's me, Harry. I know i haven't been here to visit you a lot, but last time i was here your sister kicked me out." Last time? How long have i been here? His voice was soft but confident.

"I know you can't hear me but i just really have to get this off my chest. I dont really know how to say this so im just going straight to the point. I raped my best friend's girlfriend. Yea that's right.. I raped Stephanie.. Your best friend. Katie im really sorry. If i had told you from the start that i love you, none of this would be happening. I just thought you didn't feel the same about me and i was too big of a pussy to tell you. Im so sorry." I didn't even know how to take this all at once. I was so confused and hurt. How could he have raped her? The tears started to form in my eyes and before i could hold them back they were out. He loves me but he raped my best friend, that's no love Harry, it's truly not. I stood beside him unsure if he could see me or not. He probably couldn't he obviously would have said something. I saw a few tears escape his eyes and then he got up and for the first time ever since everything was black i could finally feel again. I felt his soft cold lips brush against mine....

HEYY PEEPS! Thank you guys sooooo much for all the reads! I finally made to 200 well actually 209!! Yay keep it up! And if you thought this was exciting, there's even better things coming up so keep reading. Love you guys. ❤❤❤

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