Chapter 14

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I felt so bad and i didn't know what to do. I really wanted to help, do something that would make everyone feel better, but there was not much i could do. I drove Stephanie and Ariana home after they saw Katie one last time. The rest of us that were in the hospital went to their homes and it was just Stephanie, Ariana and me at Stephanie's house.

"Ariana, you can have my room and i'll sleep in the living room." Stephanie said as i put Ariana's bags on the couch.

"No it's fine i can sleep in the living room." Ariana spoke slowly.

"How about this, we both share the room? Because honestly i don't think i'd make it a night on the couch." Stephanie chuckled a little.

I couldn't help but smile at both . I knew they were both having a hard time, but i'd always be there for them and i had to help as much as i could.


I felt really bad that Stephanie had to watch over me from now on. I missed Katie, i really did, but i had hope that she would wake up from that dark world she was in. I walked quietly to Stephanie's room while she and Niall were having a conversation. I unpacked my bag and put most of my clothes in Stephanie's closet like she told me to. As i was putting all my belongings in order i pulled out one of my most priced possessions. It was a huge, signed poster from Josh Hutcherson. I had him sign it when i had the opportunity to meet him at one of his concerts. Katie had been saving up money so she could buy us tickets as my birthday present. When i found out she had saved enough for V.I.P passages i almost fainted. I took this poster with me and had him sign it. We also took a lot of pictures with him and i swear that was the happiest day of my life. I hadn't seen Josh since then and every time i thought about it i felt a long lasting sting in my heart.

"You like Josh?" A familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Niall glaring at my poster.

"Oh yeah he means a lot to me." I told him, as i folded the poster.

"Nice. He's a good guy." He said as he walked back to Stephanie.

A good guy? What did he mean? Umm maybe he met Josh before, i didn't know but i didn't feel like asking. I continued to unpack and before i knew it Niall had left and Stephanie was in the room.

"Listen i know this is going to be hard and not just for you, but for all of us. But trust me, we're going to get through this... Together. Katie.... Katie will be ok, i know she will." Stephanie spoke soft and steady.

"I know i'll be just fine with you and the girls watching over me. You guys are always there for katie and i know you'll always be here for me. Thank you." I said as i pulled her into one of the tightest hugs i had ever given anyone.


I woke up really late and i felt like i was going to be late for work, but luckily i wasn't. When i got to my job at Starbucks , everything felt so different. Katie and Anna would always come to buy their cups of iced coffee before work, but today not even Anna came. I let a tear fall at the memory of Katie laying in the hospital bed unable to move, unable to see us all upset, unable to tell us to cheer up, that everything would be ok, and it just hurt...


"Good afternoon i'd like to have a Iced Caramel macciato please." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up to find a pair of beautiful brown eyes staring at me.

"LIAM!" I yelled and a smile appeared on his face at the sound of my voice.

"Calm down i know you love me." He said joking.

I laughed and finally spoke again. "So whats up? What brings you here.?" That was a stupid question.

"Well my iced caramel macciato." He said and then continued. "And actually i wanted to ask you if we could hang out after work?"

"Yeah totally, where would you like to meet up?" I asked him

"Um how about i'll go pick you at your house at around 8:30, is that ok with you?" He asked me. I nodded my head and gave him a smile. "Ok 8:30 it is. Now are you going to take my order or not?!" He asked laughing.


"Danielle don't you think we're going to fast?" I asked as i laid in bed next to her.

"What? Well i don't know. What do you mean?" She asked me, as if she didn't know what i was trying to say.

"I mean, don't you thing our relationship is going to fast? I haven't even asked you out yet and we already..." I was cut off by Danielle's lips on mine.

"Hey, it's ok. I think it's clear that we love each other after what happened last night." She said as she pulled away and sat on top of me.

"Yeah but i wanted to ask you out first...." I said quietly

"Well you still can. Go ahead ask me." She said

"Ok. Umm Danielle do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked shyly.

"Of course! I would love to be your's... Again....." She said bitting her lip and with that i found myself thrusting into her again...

HEY GUYS!! Once again im so sorry for the short chapter and SORRY for updating so late, i just haven't had the best week. And thank u guys for all the reads, please keep it up. Luv u guys. ❤❤❤

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