Chapter 18

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"I think i know exactly what happened last night." I said as i saw Angie and Louis naked. In the same room.

"Anna no. It's not what it looks like!" Louis said rushing to my side.

I ran upstairs, got my clothes and ran out of the house. The tears that had been forming in my eyes, found their way out. I ran as fast as i could. I didn't know where to go, but i just... Ran. I had to get away from them. How could Louis do this to me. No the question was: how could Angie do this to me. I thought we were best friends? Not only had a lost two best friends but i had now lost three.There was no way i could ever forgive her, or Louis.


Fuck my life! How could i be so stupid to fuck my best friend's boyfriend. I know i loved him but i would have never done that to her. I must have been drunk as fuck and had no control of my actions.

"Anna no wait! I can explain." I heard Louis yell as he chased after Anna.

I quickly got changed and followed.

We ran for a about two blocks but Anna was nowhere to be found.

"Anna!!" Louis yelled.

"Louis where could she have gone?!" I asked him getting more worried after every second.

"I don't fucking know! I don't know." He said running his hands through his hair. "What the fuck happened last night?!" He asked walking up closer to me.

I looked down at the ground below me.

"Angie! What happened between us?!" He asked again, this time shaking me by my shoulders.

"Louis... I'm sure you already know." I told him.

"No.. No please tell me your lying. Nothing happened! I couldn't have. No..." He said tears forming in his beautiful eyes.

"Louis come back!" I yelled as i watched him run away.

Great! My best friend hated me and the only guy i truly liked hated me. How could my life get any worse.

I walked back to my house and laid on my couch. I looked around, everyone had left, except for Niall and Stephanie. I got up and started looking for them. I found Niall in one of the guest rooms but Stephanie was no where to be found.

"Stephanie. Stephanie where are you?" I said as i walked around the house trying to find her. I heard small whimpers in the bathroom. I rushed over and found Stephanie laying on floor. Naked. With mascara stains around her eyes.

"Steph!! Steph what happened?!" I asked, helping her up and taking out a towel from the cabinet to cover her up.

"He... He raped me! That fucking bitch raped me!" She cried.

"Who?! What?! Tell me! Who? Who fucking did this to you?!" I yelled.

"Harry...." She whispered.

"That fucking little ass hole!" Where is he? Where the fuck is he?" I yelled getting up and running out the bathroom.

"No Angie come back. He left. But where's.... Where's Niall?!" She asked anxiously.

"He's still nocked out. Why?" I said.

"Please. Please don't tell him! I don't want to lose him. I really don't want to." She begged me. More tears running down her face.

"Boo, we have to tell him. He has to know what Harry has done!" I told her.

"No. No please. Promise me you won't tell him." She begged.

"Ugh ok i promise." I hugged and i made my way to my room to give her a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie.


I woke up to the biggest headache ever. Where was i? Ohh yeah i was at Angie's place. Images of the party started to flash back in my head. I looked at my watch and it was 11:30. I had to go get Stephanie, Ariana was probably really worried.

"Stephanie! Where are you babe." I said as i walked out of the room.

"We're over here baby." I heard Stephanie answer and i made my way to the living room. I found her sitting with Angie watching T.v and drinking a cup of coffee.

"You want some?" Angie asked me lifting up her cup.

"Yea sure. Thanks." I told her. "Babe we better get going soon. Ariana is probably worried." I told Stephanie

"Oh my God! I totally forgot! We have to go get her like right now." She said worried.

"Babe calm down it's fine. She's in good hands. We'll get her soon." I assured her. Angie walked back from the kitchen and handed me the cup of coffee. I said thank you and she sat down. We talked for a while and we helped her clean up then it was time to leave.

"Thanks again. It was a great party." I told her and i went to get the car started. Stephanie stayed talking to Angie for a little and then made her way to my car. We left to go get Ariana and then i dropped them of at her house.



It had been a week since Angie's party and Stephanie hasn't been the same since. Something was up with her and i could tell it was really bothering her. She's been really depressed and no one knew anything about Anna since the party. Angie and louis said she had run out of the house and they followed but couldn't find her. We have all been looking for her but no one knows anything. thankfully the police is searching for her too. Niall was coming over today to take us to the Aquarium.He said he had a surprise for me since it was my birthday and i was so excited, but still sad about Anna and Katie...

The door bell rang and i opened the door.

"Hey. Happy birthday Ari!" Niall yelled, handing me a huge teddy bear and a birthday card, as well as medium sized rectangular box.

"Thanks Niall you shouldn't have." I told him as i put my presents on the table and pulled him into a hug.

"It's nothing. The big surprise is waiting for us at the aquarium. Where's Stephanie?" He asked looking around the house.

"She's in her room. She's been really depressed since the party. I think it's because of Anna missing." I told him and he walked into Stephanie's room after knocking.


I heard a knock on the door and Niall walked in.

"Baby. Are you ok? You've been really depressed this past week." He spoke quietly but everything seemed to sound louder than it actually was.

"How do you expect me to be? I've lost two of my best friends! Katie is basically dead and no one knows where Anna is!" I yelled the tears i had been holding back, threaten to make their way out of my eyes.

"Stephanie don't say that. Katie isn't dead. She could wake up at any minute and we'll find Anna soon. She's a smart girl. She'll find her way back. Please, i don't like seeing you like this." He said softly.

"Niall, baby i really don't feel like going any where but i don't want to ruin Ariana's birthday. So can you please just take her and have fun, it's her birthday." I told him trying to force a smile on my face.

"Ok. But if you need anything please call me ok?" He kissed me and walked out of my room.

HEY GUYS! Sorry this was a boring chapter but there is A LOT of exciting stuff that's coming up! Love u guys. Keep up the reads and please comment. ❤❤❤

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