Chapter 38

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"she loves you and she would never trade you for anyone." Harry's voice replays itself in my head. I just hope he's right.

The cool air hits the outside of my window and i open it so it blows on my face to help relieve the nerves i'm feeling.Why am i so nervous? This is what i want. I want Steph back and im going to get her back.

Within 20 minutes of driving, i finally reach the house that i have come to miss so much. I check myself on the mirror one last time before making my way to the front door of her house.

I knock quietly, my nerves increasing each second.

Five knocks.

I've knocked five times and she hasn't answered. She's here i know she is. Her car is parked adjacent to mine. Fuck. Why is she not answering! I know her too damned well to know that even if she's mad at me, she would never just leave me at the door.

I find myself peaking through the window in any hopes of seeing her. All the color is drained from me when i see a body lying on the floor. Her body.

I can feel my cheeks burning and the tears that fall onto them make them burn even more. It's like i can hear the sizzling as the wet tears touch my already inflamed cheeks.

I knock at the door harder, without thinking that that won't work. Within seconds my foot connects to the door and it's down in front of me. During this 'hating the world' state i've been in for the past four weeks i have come to learn what im really capable of.

I rush to the beautiful body on the ground that in my eyes seems to be shining brighten than the fucking sun. How can she manage to stay so beautiful even when she's unconscious? I exam her and the remainder of my broken heart breaks to it's last bits when i spot the the disastrous cuts on her wrist. How could she even think to do this? How long as she been laying here? I need to get her to a hospital. Were the only thoughts that crossed my mind.

In no time im pushing past hospital doors carrying the love of my life in my arms.


"Nicholas i-" im interrupted by his hard lips on mine. Im not the shy one during these situations, so why am i so scared all of a sudden?

"Aw come on, i know you want to. After i asked you out at the club last night, that little sparkle in your eyes told me you did." He says and i smirk at the fact that i actually really do, luckily i have my face buried in his tough chest so he can't see me.

Im not the dating type, but it's kinda fucked up how the idea of actually having a stable relationship, kept popping in my head after i met Nick. He's different though, i know he is. I sound like a fucked up mess, but some how i can feel the connection between us. He isn't like other assholes.

"Angie, you know you want this." He whispers into my ear as his hands tighten around my waist pulling me closer to him. So close that i can literally feel him through his ripped black skinny jeans. Fuck, he's so hard.

"Your only making me harder." He says as if he had read my mind. Im on my knees in seconds, my hands tugging at the waist of his jeans, pulling them down, along with his boxers. I try not to look as i take him in my mouth. My tongue circling his tip.

"Fuckkk, your so good at this!" He stumbles to say, and im only inspired more. His hands run through my hair has he curses under his breath, whispering just how good i make him feel. "Im almost there." He warns and i've always wondered how this would taste. With one last groan of my name he comes undone in my mouth. The sour taste is different and almost impossible to describe. It's not bad, really.

He picks me up and we trip at the foot of my bed, making him fall on top of me.

"Now it's my turn to pleasure you." I can't help but smile at how desperate i am for him. Without having any control of my mouth, my lips move against his in a rushed motion and once again without thinking, i say the words i thought i would never say.

"I love you"

His lips part from mine and i take in his expression. I can feel the tension growing, the heat dissolving, but it quickly returns to how it was only seconds ago, when he finally says the words back.

"I love you too." He said.


It's been a week since my mother appeared at my front door and now that she had found me there was no way i could just let her walk away. I know she wasn't the best mother but she is the woman that gave birth to me and watching what she has become, i just didn't have the heart to let her out on the streets. Louis wasn't so happy with the idea but his love for me is big enough to agree with all my bullshit. He's been coming to check on me every day after work, just to make sure things are going ok with my mom. He worries too much, but i love him for that.

"Anna your phone is ringing!" My mother yells from my room. We've been sharing a room since i wasn't comfortable with letting her sleep on the couch.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, not knowing who it is because it's an unknown number.

"Anna?! Hey it's Niall. I need you to come to the hospital as soon as you can. It's... It's Steph." My heart aches as the words travel through the line.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes." I say and grab my keys. I leave the house without a word to my mom. I have no time to waste by explaining this.


I haven't seen Katie since the day i went to talk to Niall. Which was a fucking week ago. I want to see her but i have this anxiety in the pit of my stomach telling me i should check up on Steph. I try to push the thought to the back of my head, but it seems to creep it's way back up. What if something happened to her? She's fine, there's nothing to be worried about. I want to get things going somewhere with Katie. I need her in a way that she will never understand. She made me realize that there's more to life than just sitting in the dark side. She opened my path to a bright side that never even knew existed. I know that if she gives me a chance we will fight my demons together. I want her to see that im not an asshole, that i can treat her how she deserves. Most importantly i want her to see how much i love her.

I find myself sending her a quick message asking if we could meet up later. And i'm overtaken with relieve when she answers, telling me to meet her at her house in ten minutes. I grab my keys and leave the house in a rush.

The drive to katie's apartment building was short, and im soon standing outside her door. I knock and there's no answer. I knock again, but nothing. I should have known she would turn me down like the last time. My mind is being filled with multiple explanation of why she would do this and is suddenly interrupted by the buzzing of my phone. It's her. Without any hesitation i answer.

"Hello? Harry im so sorry. I had to come to the hospital as soon as i could im sorry." She cries into the phone and my heart breaks.

"Whats going on are you ok? Did something happen to you? Is Ariana ok? What happened?" I fire at her. I lost control after i heard the word hospital. What the fuck is going on?

"Im fine, Ari is fine. It's.. It's Steph. She's not doing so well." And just like her voice cracked, my heart cracked as well.

"Im on my way." Steph needs me. Specially Katie. They both need me. I have come to understand that Steph wasn't falling for me or using me to get Niall jealous, she cared for me. She saw the good in me just like i wish Katie did. Steph helped me control my anger and she was there for me, just like i will be there for her. And as for Katie, she needs me to comfort her. I would take all her pain away if she would let me. I would carry all her sadness, bad memories, anger, anything that bothers her. I would carry anything upon me, just to see her smile.

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