Chapter 42

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"Babe, you can't just hide from your mum like this. Plus you can't just leave your house. You have worked so hard and done so much paper work to own that house, you can't just abandon it like this." I'm so pissed off that Anna's mum would do this shit to her. I can't really say i'm shocked, because i had a bad feeling about her mum all along. If i allowed her to stay with Anna it was because she is her mum after all, and i just can't say no to her.

"I know, but i don't want to see her. I don't want to Louis." She sobs into my chest.

I rub small circles on her back and we lay in bed. Her hands hug at my torso and her head rests on my chest. The love of my life is crying her eyes out because of some drunken whore whom i'm pretty sure doesn't give a fuck about her. If anything, i'm damn sure her mum only looked for her because she had no where else to stay. I bet her husband left her because she was such a whore.

*the next morning*

I reach out to hug Anna but my eyes quickly shoot open when i find the right side of the bed empty. I grab my pajama pants and pull them on as i make my way to the kitchen in any hopes that she will still be here. The smell of pancakes and syrup fills my nostrils and my stomach immediately grumbles.

"Sit down, it's almost ready." Im so grateful to hear her voice. For a minute i thought she might have left, but realization soon hits me, why would she leave? I've done nothing wrong and she loves me, and i love her. I could never leave her no matter the situation, and i know she wouldn't be able to leave me either, ever. Im gonna make sure it stays that way.

"I was thinking we could go to your house later, and.." Im cut off by her hand covering my mouth.

"Lou, i don't want to. I don't want to go there, i don't want to see her." Her head is low and her eyes are bloodshot, i can't stand to see the pain building inside of her.

"Fine. You can stay here and i'll go get your stuff. What do you need me to get?" I can't think of anything else to say, and going to get her stuff is better than making her face up to her mum, at least for now.

"I don't need much, just my clothes." She promises and a warm smile appears on her delicate face.

"Lets eat, I'm starving and this looks delicious."


"Im gonna go change and then we can leave." Liam says and disappears into the bathroom.

I plug in my curling iron and let it heat up. I pick out a black skater skirt and a floral crop top, that i never returned to steph. She's obsessed with floral clothing and i kinda liked this crop top. Just as I'm getting ready to curl my hair, Liam's phone begins to ring. I quickly rush over and notice there is a new message. I know i shouldn't be going through his phone, but curiosity wins me over.

*Hey Liam, are you coming tonight?* It reads.

I check to see the contact name and the phone drops from my hand when I read 'Sophia.'

"What was that noise?" Liam asks as he exits the bathroom.

"Huh? Oh nothing i dropped my phone." I say, picking up his phone and covering it enough so he won't actually see it's his phone.

"Oh. Well hurry so we can leave."

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise."

I decide to throw the image of the message i read to the back of my head, but it's slightly impossible.


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