Chapter 21

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A week.. It had been a fucking week since Anna got lost or at least we thought she was. I was still fucking mad at myself. I didn't even mean to do it with Angie, i was just so drunk and i don't even remember anything about it. Fuck..fuck...fuck. Was all i had been saying for the past week. I lost the love of my life. The one girl who actually made me feel loved and proud to be who i am. Around Anna i didn't have to act like something i wasn't and that's why i love her, but now she's gone and no matter how hard i have tried to find her i just can't!! Anna where in the hell are u?


I decided that being home wasn't much help. I grabbed my keys and went out. I drove for what seemed to be hours. I didn't even know where i was driving but i just drove. I looked and looked, unsure of what exactly i was looking for. But something soon got my attention and i pulled over.


I stood outside the 'Horizon sky' restaurant where Amal would be arriving soon, or so i hoped. There were a lot of people walking in, it was a pretty popular restaurant. I saw an old couple walking in the restaurant holding hands and i pictured me and louis.. Together.. Just the two of us. But i quickly shook my head as the images of him and Angie flashed through my head. One after one after one the images appeared. How could he have done this? I loved him so much and this is what i get in return? I don't think i could ever forgive him or Angie. What am i saying they obviously don't care if i forgave them or not.


I stood up from the curb i was sitting at to see if i could spot Amal anywhere. They were so many cars driving by but my eyes quickly spot a familiar car. It wasn't Amal's car, like i would have liked, instead it was Louis....

I saw him get out and run to me. I tried to run away but i froze and no matter how much strength i put on to my feet to get them to run i just couldn't. Tears started running down my face and i couldn't control them.

"Anna. Baby i found you!" Baby? Is he serious? After all that had happened he calls me baby.

"Get away from me. Don't touch me!" I saw his expression change and as much as it hurt me to see him hurt like that i continued. "How the fuck did you even find me? Don't you understand that i'm here because of you! I ran away because of you. I didn't want to see you. I can't stand you!" The words escaped my mouth and with every one of them escaping i felt myself letting out another tear.

"Anna no it's what you think. I didn't want to. I don't even know why i did it. Anna please. Anna your the only girl i love and always will love." Excuses, excuses! He was lying, Angie couldn't just take advantage of him. As much as she loved him she wouldn't have done that. He was probably the one to convince her.

"Anna!!" I heard a familiar voice yell, and i turn around to find the only person i wanted to see. "Boo i have been looking for you every where." She turned to look at Louis. "Oh my god Lou i'm so glad you found her. She must be so happy. Look she even has tears in her eyes from the excitement." Amal was the type of girl who couldn't tell the difference between happy tears and sad tears and sadly she had mistaken my tears for this occasion. I ran to her and hugged her.

"Amal we have to go now!" I told her. As i turn to face Louis i noticed that he let out a few tears. I quickly turned away at the image of the love of my life crying because of me. He was in pain because of me. But once again i couldn't fall for his lies not again.

"What Anna aren't you going to go with Louis?"

"No Amal we have to go now! Please i'm starving." I felt my heart beat speeding up.

"Anna please. Anna i love you." And i love you too louis but i can't.. I can't take that fact that you fucked my best friend, i just can't... I can't... Without turning around to face him one last time, i walked away from him and got inside Amal's car only to find Liam's face staring at me with wide eyes. Amal got in the car and we started our way home.


Ariana had so much fun at the aquarium with josh and i just wish Stephanie was here to enjoy this with us. Pretty soon it was time to go but before we left, Josh gave Ariana his present for her.

"Josh you shouldn't have." She said as her small arms wrapped around him. She opened the small box and she pulled out a cell phone. I saw her bring her hands up to her mouth and hugged him once more.

"Niall told me you didn't have but he was going to buy you so i offered to buy it for you. Now, i've been meaning to ask you; can i have your number." Josh said playfully and Ariana started blushing. She gave him her number and we were on our way to Stephanie's house.


We arrived at her house and everything looked just as it did when we left. I helped Ariana out of the car and as i turned around i saw a man coming out of Stephanie's house. He looked around out age like 23-24 around there. I figured it must have been an old childhood friend, but Stephanie had never mentioned him before. I decided it would be noisy of me to ask so i didn't.

"Hey princess you missed us?" I lifted her from the floor and kissed her passionately. She nodded her head and i put her down.

"Happy birthday Ari! Did you have fun?" She said walking over to Ariana who had been putting all her stuff away. They talked for awhile and then Stephanie's phone rang.

"Hey Amal, what's up?" She seemed to feel better. She was now actually smiling compared to this morning. "You what? You found her? Yay is she with you? Ok i'll be there soon." I was so confused but i quickly remembered that Anna had been missing and Amal must have found her. Stephanie turned to face me and with the puppy face on her face i could tell she wanted me to take her. I was more than glad. We soon were back in my car and we drove to Amal's house.

HEYY gorgeous people! Sorry if this was a short chapter but i felt like updating. Anyways guys PLEASE recommend my Fan Fic to anyone you know. Thank u for the reads but it would mean the world if you guys helped me get more! So yeah, Love u guy!! ❤❤❤

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