Chapter 16

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Fucking three months. Three fucking months since Katie got in that coma. I missed her so damn much but there was nothing i or anyone could do about it. I had to get my mind off of things so i decided to throw a party. A huge bad ass party! With a whole bunch of badass people with some beers and the yummy white powder. Yea that would get my mind of things for sure. I got my phone and called up all my hoes.

"Hey boo." I said to Stephanie as she answered the phone. Stephanie and Anna were the only one's i talked girly too, i'm not sure why but i just couldn't quite call them mean names.

"Hey whats up?" She said.

"So i was planning on throwing a party tonight. At around 8:00 if you want to come?" I asked her.

"Im sorry Angie, but you know i'm not in the mood for anything. It's been exactly three months since Katie's incident, and i'm just not feeling good." She said softly.

"Listen i know how you feel but please this will get your mind off things. Just give it a try, you can bring Niall if you want?" I tried to convince her but nothing worked, plus she had to watch Ariana. She couldn't just bring her. Ariana was only 16 and Stephanie knew exactly what would be at the party and she definitely wouldn't want Ariana to get drunk or worse get drugged....

I was sure Stephanie wouldn't be coming so i called someone who i knew would definitely come.

"Hey bitch." I said to Danielle as she answered her phone.

"Hey hoe!" She yelled.

"So I'm throwing a party tonight and you are more than welcomed to come." I told her "bring Zayn if you want and can you call Anna maybe she will agree to come if you ask her." I said

"Yeah of course i'll go! And i don't think i can call Anna for you. You see she's all mad and shit because i fucked with Zayn the night Katie was at the hospital." As soon as the words left her mouth, my jaw dropped.

"You little hoe! You did not?!" I said to her.

"What!?? Yeah i did ok! And it was amazing. But anyways what time is it at?" She asked me.

"Your nasty but it's at 8:00 you better be here on time cause I'm gonna need some help setting things up." I warned her.

Dammit it, i thought to myself. Anna was mad at Danielle so that meant i had to call her. I had a nice conversation with her and she agreed to come and bring Louis. I was still pretty pissed off about Anna and Louis dating, but she was one of my best friends and no guy was going to ruin that even if he was the love of my life....


I lost her, i thought. I actually really lost her. Katie has been in a coma for three fucking months. I hadn't seen her since the day Ariana kicked me out of the hospital. I have to be honest though. I don't even know if i still like Katie. All i thought about these past three months was of the imagine of Stephanie's lips on mine. My thoughts slightly faded away when i heard louis talking to me.

"Harry.... Harry I'm talking to you." He said.

"Oh sorry lad, what was that?" I asked him as i slightly shook my head to fix my curls.

"I said, that Angie is having a party tonight and she invited Anna and me. She also said that you are welcome to go if you." He said.

"Oh yeah sure, but i don't know where she lives." I reminded him.

"Well you can come with us." He said as he walked away and then turned around again to face me. " Harry have you seen Katie lately?" He asked

"No... No, actually i haven't seen her since three months ago." I said slowly. Louis gave me a sad puppy face and nodded his head.

"I'm really sorry. Maybe the party will get your mind off things?" He said.

"Yeah. I hope." I said as i made my way to my room.


I was over at Stephanie's house like every friday, and i heard when Angie called to invite her to a party. I knew Stephanie and Ariana were going through a hard time but maybe if we went that would help them feel better. So i tried to convince her.

"Babe, i think we should really go. It'll help you get your mind off things. Please, come on. Maybe it's for the best." I told her as i gently rubbed her back.

"Niall i know you're trying to help but i honestly don't feel like going." She said.

"Baby please. For me, and if your afraid to leave Ariana alone, well we can take her to her friend's house or something. Just please babe, please. I really think it'll be useful." I said in my best begging voice. She finally got up from the couch and agreed to go. She helped Ariana get her stuff and ready and pretty soon she was ready as well.

We got in my car and i started the engine. We dropped Ariana off at her friend's house and we headed to Angie's party...

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