Chapter 9

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i was planning on just taking her to the zoo, maybe go to the park afterwards and get some water ice or something. I knew it was fucking hot outside but i didn't feel like wearing shorts, so i pulled on a pair of jeans an my 'crazy Mofos' shirt. I put a small amount of gel in my hair to make it stay up. As i was looking for me sunglasses i realized it was past 30 minutes. Shit, she was probably waiting for me by now. I had to get driving and fast.


We were walking around the zoo, just looking at all the animals and it seemed like she was having fun. I really hoped she was.

" Do you want anything to drink? Are you hungry?" I asked, worried that she must've been to shy to tell me.

"No it's fine, are you?" She asked me. She was so sweat and caring.

"No im good, but if get hungry tell me ok? Don't be shy." I told her as we kept walking.


We soon got tired of walking around and instead of going to the park, we went to go get some pizza. I was really hungry and so was she. I swear we could have eaten a whole pizza by ourselves. After we finished the pizza i asked her where she wanted to go.

"Well actually i've been wanting to buy Amal something for her birthday that's coming up in a few days." She told me.

"Ok, well where would you like to buy her the present from?" I asked as i looked over at her as we got in my car.

"Well she's really into jewelry from Claire's." she said shyly.

"Claire's it is." I said as i turned on the engine.



We looked for a perfect present for Amal, but i just didn't seem to find anything. Niall was really helping but nothing seemed to be good enough. It seemed to take ages, but i finally had found what i was looking for. It was perfect. They were two necklaces that came together, one of the necklace held a key and the other was a heart that would open with the key to reveal a picture. Of course Amal would be the one to pick the picture. I hadn't noticed that there was a whole section of those, except some of them had 'BFF'S' on the back and others had 'His' or 'her's' printed on the back. I was about to make my way to the cashier, but before i was able to i felt a strong hand pull me gently by my arm. I turned around to find Niall's hand on my arm.

"I have to tell you something." he said as he pulled me slowly to a corner. " I know we only started to get to know each other, but you turned into my whole life when i saw you for the first time at our concert." He said slowly as he pulled out two necklaces.

I was freaking out as i realized what he was trying to say. Holy shit, im gonna fucking a faint. I felt my heart beat starting to speed up as he slowly put the necklace around my neck.

"Stephanie, will you- will you be my princess?" He asked me trying to stay calm as he turned a bright red.

"Niall. I'd-i'd LOVE to be your prin..." I hadn't even finished my sentence when i was met by a pair of lips on mine. They moved slowly but very passionate against mine. And all i could think of was him...

Mean while, LOUIS' POV:

I can't believe i was to shy to ask Anna for her number. I wanted to do it myself but i had let her walk out of the ice cream shop before i builded up enough courage to ask her. I wasn't sure if i'd ever see her again, so i decided to ask Niall if her could get it for me. He's such a good friend that he called up Stephanie the minute i asked him.

"Here you go Lou." He said as he gave me a piece of paper with a phone number. "It's Anna's. now if you don't mind i need to go get ready to pick Stephanie up." He said.

"Thanks lad. Your a good friend." I told him before he walked away.

Now all i had to do was call her, right? I was being a dumbass so instead of calling her i sent her a text.

'Hey, is this Anna?'

'Yes this is her, who is this?'

'Hey Anna, this is Louis, Louis Tomlinson.'

'Oh heyy Louis. What's up?'

'Not much. How about you?'

'Just cooking. Umm Louis, how did you get my number?'

'Well i forgot to ask you for it at the ice cream shop so i asked Niall if he could ask Stephanie.'

'Oh ok lol'

She was such an amazing girl. I could tell just by her actions that she was a sweet, caring, and loving person. She was just perfect. She was just the kind of girl i had been waiting for.

'So anyways Anna, i was thinking, maybe we could hang out sometime?'

'Yeah sure, that would be great.'

'Ok great, does friday night sound good?'

'Sound fine Louis. I have to go, but it was nice texting you, lol byee'

'Same, byee'

I think i might have been over reacting. She was so sweet that i think i lost all my shyness with her. I really hoped i had, because i would be hanging out with her and if i was going to be as shy as the day i met her, i don't know how that would turn out...

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