Chapter 8

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I saw the door open, and i literally jumped up from the couch!

"What happened? Did you guys kiss? Did he ask you out? Where did he take you?" I asked anxiously!

"Calm down! No we didn't kiss, no he didn't ask me out, and we just went to Nando's and we went to see 'The Hangover 3' you happy now?" She told me as she made her way to go sit down on the couch.

"That's not all that happened."Amal spoke up.

"What do you mean?" We all asked.

"Come on Stephanie, tell us what you and Niall just did outside at the front door." Amal told Stephanie as she raised one of her eyebrows.

"Ugh! U fucking stalker. Fine ok, ok i'll tell you guys. I don't even know how it happened but before i knew it Niall pulled me into a tight hug." She mumbled

"He what? Yesssss i knew it you two got together!" Angie shouted from across the room.

"No we did NOT get together! I don't even know why he did it, he just did ok?" Stephanie yelled back.

"Whatever! But he obviously has feelings for you." I told her as i went and sat next to her.


She was such a lucky girl. She was driving the famous Niall Horan crazy. It was obvious he liked her, we all knew it. If only i could get Louis to feel that way towards me. That's never going to happen i reminded myself. Why would he ever fall for someone like u, i thought and i could feel a tear starting to run down my face.

"Anna whats wrong boo?" I heard Stephanie ask, and i quickly wiped the tear away.

"It's nothing, im fine. I just had something in my eye." I said making my way to the bathroom.

"No you didn't Anna. Now tell me what's wrong. It's an order." She was always said that when she needed us to do or say something.

"Im fine it's nothing. I promise." I assured her. I smiled and walked into the bathroom. I hoped that convinced her.


We left early in the morning, well after we ate breakfast. Stephanie asked us to stay for a little longer but we all had things to do. I honestly couldn't stay much longer at Stephanie's house, i felt like i would burst out crying and yelling at her that it wasn't fair, that she was driving Niall crazy, while the rest of us were suffering from not being loved by the guys. I felt like this whole Niall and her situation was splitting us apart, or maybe i was just exaggerating? I don't, but i had to leave soon.


I was left alone after the girls had left. There was nothing i could do around the house since Anna had pretty much left it spotless. I decided that the only thing i could do was just lay in bed and watching tv. I got myself a bag of chips and got the remote before jumping on my queen sized bed. There was nothing good on tv and i was getting tired of changing the channel but as i was about to give up, i click the remote for the last time and found Family guy on. Ahhh perfect, i said to myself as i leaned back on my pillow. I was literally laughing my ass off and then my phone rang. Huh who could it be, i thought as i reached over and got my phone from the small drawer next to my bed.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey Stephanie, it's Niall." I heard Niall say. Oh God he called me, was all i thought about. "I was wondering if you could give me Anna's phone number?" He asked shyly.

Anna's phone number? I asked myself, why would he want Anna's phone number? I didn't question him and i just give him her number. But i was so confused.

"Thanks, and don't think wrong. It's not for me. Louis was too shy to ask Anna himself so he asked me if i could ask you for it." He explained. Thank God it wasn't for him, not that i would be mad or jealous or anything...

"Oh it's fine. Don't worry about it." I told him, trying to laugh a bit.

"Good. So anyways what's up?" He asked me.

"Nothing much just watching Family Guy. How about you?"

"Just pretty bored." He laughed a little before continuing. "Um how about we go out and just hang out, buy some stuff, what do you say?"

I nodded my head and quickly remembered he couldn't see me. "Sound good to me, what time?" I asked

"How about, um 30 minutes?"

" Okay see then." I said. I had to get ready quick. I jumped out of my bed and quickly ran to my closet. It was really hot outside and i was sure as hell that we would be walking. I grabbed a pair of ripped up shorts, that looked pretty hipster style, and pulled them on. I then pulled on a neon green tank top with 'YOLO' printed on it in bolded black letters. I put on my black vans and tied them pretty fast. Now i only had my hair left, what should i do with it, i asked myself. I looked pretty bad ass with a messy bun so i decided that's what i would do. Even though it was a messy bun it took me forever to make it look ok. I didn't bother applying make up, i just put on some mascara and eyeliner. I was pretty much done and i still had a few minutes left before Niall got here, so i just checked Twitter and waited for him to come pick me up.

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