Chapter 11

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"Anna should we go now?" I asked Anna as i got up from the seat next to her.

"Yea sure, let me just get my purse." She said making her way to Stephanie's room.

I waited for Anna to get her purse and we said goodbye to everyone as we left for our 'date.'

I wanted to make this night special. I wanted to let her know how much i loved her, but how? I finally knew what i could do to show Anna how much she meant to me. So i build up enough courage to do something i thought i would never do....

"Umm Anna, i know i'm probably being to early about this, but i think maybe if-if we give each other a chance then it would probably work out.. Um so i was wondering if um if you wanted to go out with me?" I spoke fast and quietly. She had a expression on her face that i couldn't quiet point out what she was thinking, and it worried me a little.

"Louis..." She finally said and she started tearing up. I didn't know if that was a good thing. "Louis of-of course i would! Your the guy all my love quotes are about, your the guy i day dream about all the time, your the guy i've always wanted! Yes Louis yesss." That was all i need to hear. I didn't have control of my actions and i felt a tear slip down my cheek as i got up and kissed her....


"Umm Anna, i know i'm probably being to early about this, but i think maybe if-if we give each other a chance then it would probably work out.. Um so i was wondering if um if you wanted to go out with me?" Louis said fast and quietly.

Did he seriously just ask me out? Did Louis fucking Tomlinson just ask me out? Like girlfriend and boyfriend? It was such an impact that i hadn't realized i started tearing up.

"Louis..." I said softly. "Louis of-of course i would! Your the guy all my love quotes are about, your the guy i day dream about all the time, your the guy i've always wanted! Yes Louis yesss." I finally said suddenly raising my voice.

He smiled as a tear slipped down his face and got up and kissed me. I swear i literally almost fainted as i felt his soft lips touch mine and i felt like i was floating on cloud 9, wait no it was too good to be floating on cloud 9 it felt more like i was floating on cloud fucking 150 or some shit. I loved him i really really did and i wanted him to be by my side and protect me all the time, and i knew he would.


After Louis and Anna had left for their date we decided to play spin the bottle. I liked the game but i was nervous that the bottle would land on me and Danielle, i mean i actually wanted it to but i was nervous. Everything was going fine, the bottle landed on Stephanie and Harry and they locked themselves in the closet, and i could tell Niall was getting REALLY jealous, but he didn't have to worry i could tell Stephanie wasn't like that, he had nothing to worry about. They came out after 1 minute and Stephanie went back to Niall and kissed him and promised nothing had happened. We continued playing and pretty soon the bottled stopped and landed on me and Danielle....


It just had to fucking land on Zayn and me, you have to be fucking kidding me i thought. Zayn got up quietly and i followed in behind him. We locked ourselves in the closet and remained silent. Time was passing and nothing had happened! I was getting anxious. I was locked up in a fucking closet with the guy i loved and nothing was going to happen?! I couldn't take it anymore! I didn't care if he liked me or not i was taking a chance. I put my hand around Zayn's neck and started playing with his hair. I then suddenly pulled him closer and kissed him... I moved my lips roughly up and down on his and asked for entrance, he didn't hesitate and he let me slip my tongue inside his mouth and started playing around with his. He liked it i could tell he did. He remained like this for the last few seconds we had and suddenly the door opened before we could pull away.

"Whoa there!! Take it easy." Niall said backing away.

As we walked out of the small room where all the action was left behind Zayn and I were being stared at by everyone's wide eyes from the shock of our activity. Zayn and me just ignored it and sat together... He gave me a smile and moved closer to me as he held my hand close and tight.


After playing a whole bunch of other games, Louis and Anna finally arrived and they walked in the door holding hands and laughing there ass off, well someone obviously had fun. Harry told everyone that it was getting late an that he was getting sleepy so they had to go home, why did he have to be a party pooper?! He was always looking sad, specially around Katie, and that was getting really weird. Not only was Harry so sad around Katie, but she was sad around him as well. Something was up with those two and i had to find out....

We left a few minutes after the guys did and i was tired as fuck when i got home, but i just couldn't fall asleep, all i was thinking about was my lips on Zayn's moving roughly and getting more intense every second that went by. I wonder what could have happened if we hadn't been interrupted....?

HEYYYY GUYS!! Sorry for the short chapter. Just wanted to thank all of you for all the votes and the reads. Thanks it means a lot.

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