Chapter 24

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Day after day i would watch myself sleep. Unable to do anything. Nurses would come in the room once in a while to check on me. Harry would come by too. He would visit me more than my friends did. And that really hurt. My mind flashed back to the day he came to see me and told me that he raped Stephanie. Tears running down his face. I felt bad for him but there was no way i could forgive him. I couldn't move or feel anything but that day i swear i could feel his lips on mine. After he left i tried to move.. Well i tried to stop him from leaving but i couldn't move or feel anything. And now he was back and much to my surprise he didn't come to tell me any unimportant or painful events that have happen. He just came to see how i was doing. He stayed for a while and i admired the way his dimples would appear on his face when he said something that he found funny. He left a while later, he probably stayed with me for an hour or so before he left. The fact that Harry came to see me makes goosebumps run through my body... Wait i felt them. I could feel the goosebumps all over my arms. I tried to move and i slightly moved my fingers. After a while of trying a nurse walked in and noticed my small but impressive movements. I smiled at her reaction and she called the doctor. I forced myself to speak but the only word that managed to escape my mouth was... Harry.


The day went by pretty fast and before i knew it everyone was over. Stephanie, Ariana, Niall, Amal, Liam, Danielle, Anna, Angie and Zayn. Louis was missing and as much as i tried to convince myself that it was the best, it hurt me that Harry was missing as well. Had he not cared enough to come see me? Or maybe he hadn't been told that i had woken up from.. From that coma i was in? I tried to keep my mind from thinking of him but i found myself hoping it was Harry every time the door opened only to find a nurse walk in every time.

"I missed you so much. You don't even understand." Ariana said. i couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving her all alone. I knew she had my friends to care for her but i just couldn't help but feel bad.

I looked at Stephanie and she looked down. I knew she felt horrible for what had between her and Harry but it wasn't even her fault.

"How long have i been... Asleep?" I couldn't help my curiosity and i was desperate to know.

"Three months..." What? Three months?! How could i have been gone for three months? I couldn't help as the tears drained down my face.

"It's ok your back now." I heard Anna say and i couldn't help but force a small smile. They were all such great friends.

*1 week later*


Katie woke up a week ago and no one had the fucking nerve to come tell me. Should was probably back at her house now, but i had no idea where she lived. I had to see her. I had to tell her that i loved her and i wanted to be with her. Before i acknowledged what i was doing i was on my way to Stephanie's house. I didn't know what i was thinking by going to Stephanie's house, i knew it wouldn't end well but i had to see Katie. As i pulled up at The small house, i felt my heart beat increase and i could feel the sweat starting to drip from my forehead. I rang the door bell and waited for what was about to happen.

Steph opened the door and quickly tried to shut it in my face but i stopped her by putting my foot in between the door that separated us.

"Get the fuck out of here Harry!" I could hear the fear in her voice and i immediately felt my heart ache.

"Steph please i need to talk to you!" I knew she wouldn't let me in so i held tightly to the door and pulled the door knob towards me, only to have her fall on to me. God dammit what i done now. "Im so sorry i didn't mean for that to happen. I just really need to talk to you." I kept my voice low but i could tell by her eyes that it was taking her every strength in her to not run away or slap me at least.

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