Best Friends

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Best friends stick by your side no matter what. Best friends will force a smile on your face even when there's still tears rolling down your cheeks. Best friends are like that other half that will always complete you.

"We're gonna be late!" Niall yelled out the window of his car to his best friend Beatrix. The cool air was barely felt on this warm September day, and Bea liked that. She's never been much of a winter person, in fact, she hates it with a burning passion. She hoped in the front passenger seat meeting Niall.

"Where's Michi?" Niall asked, as he looked around for the blonde girl with gray eyes, that just happened to be Bea's sister and was starting her freshman year.

"She takes fucking ages." Bea breathed out.
Minutes later, Michelle hopped in the back seat of the green Mustang.

"Let's go we're gonna be late!" She rushed them. Niall only laughed while Bea simply cursed her sister out.

Highschool has been a living hell for Bea since the first day she

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