Chapter 26

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I can't believe this night was actually going well. I hadn't expected Anna to join me but i guess she really wanted me to get help for my 'problem.' I swear i didn't think she would ever forgive me but here we are dancing our ass off.

We danced a few songs and i could tell she was having fun, the thought quickly left my mind as i saw Anna staring at something. I turned around to face what that something was, but it wasn't something it was someone. It was Louis. Anger rushed through my body, followed the depression. The images of that night filled my head. The tears threaten to escape my eyes but i held them back. He is not going to ruin this night. Or my friendship. I grabbed Anna by the arm and we walked back to the VIP section. Hopefully he hadn't seen us.

I took a sip from my cup and quickly spit it back when i saw louis walking towards us. Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck! My mind was spinning and i didn't know what to think. My brain stopped and i was frozen solid.

"Stay calm. Just act as if you don't see him." I could hear Anna say through the vibration of the music. Fear, anger and depression was all clear in her voice. I couldn't help but feel guilty. She wouldn't have to go through this if it wasn't because of me.

"Anna?" He sounded so drunk and maybe it was because he was. He hadn't said anything else but just by looking at him i felt disgust. I know i was the one to deliver myself to him but i'm to ashamed to admit it.

"What the hell do you want? Why can't you just leave me alone?" She was at the verge of crying and it took every nerve in me, to not get up and slap him.

"Anna. Im sorry baby. If anything you should be mad at her!" Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Don't call me baby!! And who the fuck do you think you are to tell me who i should or shouldn't be mad at. You're here telling me your sorry, but a minute ago you were over there making out with that hoe!" Damn tell him girl. I honestly have never seen Anna this angry, but i knew it was the pain the one taking over. No matter how angry she was i knew that deep down it was pain and depression controlling her.

"I wasn't making out with her! Anna i need you. I can't live without you."

"Why don't you go tell that to the skunk you were just with!" If i didn't get her out of here she would end up causing a bigger scene.

We started walking away and just when i thought he wouldn't try to stop us or at least Anna. He grabbed her by the arm and turned her around to face him. His lips were forced against her's... No matter how much anger i had turns him, it hurt. Anna pulled away and i was close enough to hear her delicate small hand slam into his cheek. She continued to walk and i stared at Louis, the pain visible through his wide eyes. I couldn't quite tell whether the pain was by the massive slap that he had received or by the fact that he had lost Anna. Honestly i could care less.


After Niall left, I felt quite awkward for what had happened. Of course i wanted to do it with him. I love him. It's just those fucking images of that night, and Harry.. I don't think i'll ever be over that. Ever.

i was distracted from my thoughts when i door bell rang. I figured Niall had forgotten something but instead i find Danielle standing outside with the most worried look on her face. I offer her to come in and she sits on the couch.

"Hey.." What the hell is wrong? Zayn have better not hurt her because if he did.. Well i don't even want to think what would happen if he did.

"Did he hurt you? What happened? Why do you look so worried and upset?" I couldn't help it and the questions started flying out at her.

"Calm down. No he didn't hurt me.. I.. I just have something really important to tell you.. Well and the girls. Do you mind if we have group reunion here?" If he didn't hurt her then what the fuck happened. These girls were basically the only family i had left and i swear if something happened to one of them i wouldn't know what to do. I didn't answer her. Instead i grabbed my phone and called all of the girls.

"Can you at least tell me, like right now?" She could tell i was worried and she slowly shook her head.

"I'll tell you when the rest get here..."


After 15 minutes of awkward conversation the girls finally arrived. Amal didn't bring Liam as she was told. Those two are so attached to each other. We sat quickly waiting for Danielle to speak.

"I know i should have told you guys before but.. I.. I just didn't know how to tell you. I was scared myself and i was scared to hear what you guys would say." She broke into tears and we all got up to comfort her. "I'm... I'm pregnant..." We all gasped which only made her sobs grow.

"Does Zayn know?!" I heard Anna's soft voice. When it comes to comforting we could always count on her.

"Yeah he does." Was all she could manage to say. Wait maybe that's why she's so depressed? Does he not care? Maybe now he doesn't want anything to do with her?

"Is he going to take the responsibility?! Because i swear to god if he doesn't.." Angie was cut off by Danielle raising her head up

"No no he said he is... I just.. i'm not sure if he's doing it because he actually cares or just because he feels like he has to." Over the past 4 months i have come to know Zayn pretty well and he seems to love Danielle. I'm pretty sure he still cares a lot for her.. For both of them.

"Dani i think he actually cares. He's so sweet and you could tell by the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at you, that he loves you. A lot.." I decide to speak up. She forces a small smile and we all hug.

"Come on lighten up! We're going to be aunts!!" Amal yells and we all laugh. Including Danielle.

"Thank you! I love you guys. I thought you would be mad at me or something." Why the hell would we be mad? She finally found her prince charming.


I drove slowly to Niall's place. As much as i hate to admit it, i was fucking scared of what they would say. Probably something like 'Zayn why would you be so stupid to not use protection.' They've never be cruel before why would they be over this? The nerves started to ease away as i approach the familiar house. I stand outside the porch deciding whether to knock or not. Danielle was definitely going to tell her friends so why shouldn't i? I knock on the door slowly and after the third knock Niall opened the door.

"Hey lad. The boys are here, come on now what was it you needed to tell us?" By the tone in his voice i could tell he was excited but worried. I told them it was something important and they rushed over to Niall's so i could tell them.

"Well, before you start freaking out.. Just know that i did it out of love and i am more than ok to be responsible for my actions." They all did their familiar 'what-the-fuck' face and i sighed.

"Danielle's pregnant.." Just sit back and wait for the screams. My subconscious reminded.

"Woah. I had not been expecting that. But your a good man. Your really brave you know, i don't know if i'd be able to handle the packet." Harry said. Thanks lad, thats some advice.

The rest of them stayed quiet and it was incredibly awkward.

"We're gonna be uncles. We're gonna be uncles. We're gonna be uncles." I found myself release a sigh that i hadn't noticed i was holding. Fucking physics. I couldn't help but laugh. I finally found my Cinderella.

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