Chapter 10

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***** Friday


It had almost been a week since i saw Amal. I mean i kept in touch with her, i texted her everyday but i hadn't seen her since the day of the ice cream shop. I'm usually really shy with girls but i felt like Amal understood me, i didn't feel nervous towards her and i wasn't shy either! I was really glad i felt comfortable with her because i think i might be falling for her. Why wouldn't i fall for her? She was beautiful, sweet, and best of all she had an amazing personality and was great to hang out with her. Maybe i could ask her out on a date? Yeah, i think i will, i thought to myself as i made my way to get my phone. As i was walking down past the kitchen i heard my phone ringing in the living room.

"Hello?" I said softly.

"Hey mate!" I heard Niall speak on other line. "So i was on my way to Stephanie's house and i was wondering, um maybe you'd want to come with me? I think her friends are over and Louis is also going to pick Anna up for their night out. So do you?" He finished

Great, i thought. This was a great way of finally seeing Amal again.

"Yea sure lad, i'd love to go. Um I don't know where she lives though." I reminded him

"That's ok, i'll go get you." He said and with that we hung up.

I had to get ready. If Amal was going to be there i'd better look my best. It took me what seemed to be ages to get ready, but i finally finished. Niall got there soon after i had finished getting ready.

We got to Stephanie's house pretty fast. I was anxious to see Amal again and i bet she was up to a big surprise when she saw me, because she had no idea i was going to be there.

When we got there Niall knocked on the door and Stephanie came out.

"Hey babe, how are you." Niall said to her as he pulled her into a tight hug and before pulling away he kissed her very passionately. Ugh get i room, i thought to myself. All he had been talking about the past week was him and Stephanie getting together, but i didn't mind.

"Good baby! How are you?" She said once they broke the kiss.

"Great. I brought Liam along, is that ok?" He said as he pointed to me.

"That's totally fine. Amal would be glad to see you." She said to me. And i smiled.

I walked in after Niall and Stephanie and closed the door behind me. When i turned around i looked for Amal. When i spotted her i noticed that she already was staring at me.

"Hey girls." Niall and i said.

"Liam?!" Amal shouted. I couldn't tell if it was a question or more of a statement, but i simply laughed.

"Hey Amal. How are?" I asked her, as i tried to hide my blushing away.

"Great, how about you? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" She asked.

"Oh well i wanted it to be a surprise." I told her as i walked over to her.

We were having a great time just getting to know each other better and making jokes. And then Louis came along with Zayn and Harry.


"Where are we going again?" I asked Louis getting pretty annoyed since it was the 4th time i had asked and be still hadn't told me.

"Zayn just shut up we're almost there." He finally answered. I had no fucking idea where we were heading but it better be fun.

After a few more minutes of driving it seemed like we had finally reached our location because Louis started parking the car.

"Where are we?" Harry said as he slowly awoke from his nap.

"Yeah where are we Louis?" I said after Harry.

"You guys remember Stephanie, the girl from our concert and the ice cream shop?" Louis said and we nodded "well this is her house and i have a date with her friend Anna, but her friends are over her house and i thought it would be nice if you guys spent some time together with them." He finished making his way towards the front door. Stephanie opened after the first knock.

"Hey Lou, glad you could make it." She said to Louis. "Oh hey you guys! Come in." She added after she saw Harry and me standing behind Louis.

As soon as i walked in the house i saw her. I saw her again after a whole week. She was so beautiful and i really wanted to see her again. Danielle, i think was her name. I should have gotten her, but then i remembered why i hadn't asked her in the first place. When i met her she seemed so uninterested in me, so i didn't see why i should ask her. But now i could get to know her and maybe i could make her fall for me....


Holy shit, i thought. He was standing right there a few feet away from me, but he was here! I thought i would never see him again, but he was here. I felt my heart rate getting faster and i was starting to get dizzy, or maybe i was just exaggerating. I had to show him how much i cared. This was another opportunity to get him to fall for me. I had to make him fall for him. He was just amazing, he's all i need. Oh Zayn, why are you so damn sexy, i thought and i could feel my cheeks starting to burn as they turned red.


Oh God. She was here. Katie, she was so pretty but she seemed to have no interest in me. Maybe she thought i was weird or even worse maybe she thought i was ugly, i mean she can do way better than me, but i really liked her. I was too shy though, and i hated that. I could be all cool and act normal with any other girl, but with Katie it was different. She had something that no other girl had, and i liked that. I didn't really know what made her different from other girls, but i liked it. She was just gorgeous.


I thought i would never see him again, but there he was standing in the door way looking and smiling at everyone else but me. Why Harry, what is it that every other girl has that i don't? I really liked him, i felt like without him i would be nothing, like without him i would be like a flower trying to grow but i would end up dying because there was no water to feed me and Harry was the water.....

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