Chapter 32

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After leaving Anna's house i decided to go to my place and get ready to go to that shitty recovery center. I don't feel like going, but i do owe it to her after everything i have done.

When i finally get there, i'm surprised i made it there on time. Way too on time. I would be rather be late than early. It's just not my thing.

I notice that the professor or whatever he is, is talking to someone. A guy actually.

"So what did you say your name was?" The professor asked.

"Nicholas. Nicholas Hoult." His voice was thick and raspy. And somewhat attractive.

His long dark brown hair is tucked in a grey beanie and he's wearing all black. I have to admit this guy is fucking sexy!

"Okay Nicholas, today we will just be talking more about what self-harm is and what causes people to commit self-harm. I suggest that you bring a notebook and a writing utensil tomorrow. For now you can just have a seat on the last seat in the third row, and wait for everyone else to get here." Professor. What's his fucking name? Miller? Professor Miller said.

Wait? Holy fucking shit! That's the seat next to mine. Fuck.

"Oh Angelina. I mean Angie. Come in. Your early today. I suppose you've been too busy these couple of days that you haven't been coming." He says obviously he's being sarcastic. I could feel Nicholas' eyes on me and i turn around to find his bright blues eyes staring into mine.

I turn away from him and take a seat on my desk. I begin to take out a pencil and my notebook. I'm seriously way to early, because by the time everyone starts coming in, i'm done with the drawing of a dragon i was making. It's pretty badass and i could have done better if it wasn't for Nicholas' eyes always stalking me and my dragon.

Class goes by fast and i'm glad i didn't fall asleep during professor Miller talking about his boring shit. I really owe this to Anna. I need to stop cutting i know i do. The bell rings and i grab my stuff making my way out of the room.

I'm just ready to go home and take a nice relaxing nap. I could easily fall asleep listening to my favorite band. Sleeping with the Sirens, that is. I was distracted from my thoughts when i feel a hand wrap around my arm. I turn around ready to bitch slap who ever the fuck touched me but when i turn around my eyes meet the same bright blue eyes that made my whole body shivers minutes ago. Nicholas.


"Zayn?" I ask as he sits next to me on our bed.

"Yeah?" He responded and i can see the nervous starting to increase inside of him.

"I.. Well i was wondering if you had thought of any names, you know, for the baby. Our baby?" I correct myself.

"Well i have actually. But none of them seem to be just fine." He says and the tension that was once growing drops by at least a hundred degrees.

"Oh. I just want to have like a list. A list with boy names and a list with girl names." I smile at him.

"Okay, we'll come up with some. But anyways what do you want it to be?" He asks.

My mind swirls for a minute unsure of what to say. I honestly don't know, i think a boy would be great, but i would be fine with either one.

"Umm a boy? How about you?" I ask him.

"Really you want a boy? I would want a girl. Daddy's little princess. I'd have to kick some asses if any guys tried to get to her though." He laughs and it's contagious.

We talk for a while about the topic that once frighten me, but day after day i was looking forward to holding my little creature. Boy or girl, it really didn't matter, they'd have a mommy and daddy who would love them very much.


It's been eight days since i haven't spoken to Steph. I honestly could care less. She fucking played me and i'm starting to believe that maybe Harry didn't really rape her, maybe that's what she wanted. After i left her alone with Harry and Liam i needed comfort, i couldn't take the amount of pain that was rising in my chest. I don't know exactly why i went to Katie, but i was really just going to see Ariana. Not that i like her or anything i just wanted to see how she was doing. I grew to care for her more than i had planned.

When katie saw the state i was in she immediately let me in. I talked to her for hours explaining what had happened. I saw the pain in her eyes at the mention of Stephanie and Harry together. She really likes him and he only played her. That makes two of us.

I've been hanging out with katie a lot, that's probably what Harry and Steph have been doing, maybe even more but who cares? Katie is a chill girl, i've never really noticed how funny she is, including the fact that she's extremely sweet.

I can understand why Harry loved her or at least that's what he had once told me. I can't believe all his bullshit. Taking my girl, that's just too low even for Harry.


"Liam why didn't you tell me before?!" I question as i hurry and clean around my house.

He told me that his parents would come visit us soon, but he never told me it would be this soon.

"Relax, they won't be here until like midnight. It's a pretty distant flight from England to here, you know?" He grins and i just feel like yelling at him. He's so sweet but why didn't he warn me before. I want to impress his parents, i want them to like me.

"You don't have to impress them. It's me your dating not them." He smiles and i try my best to return a smile.

All the tension in me is building up and i don't know how much longer i can hold it. There's just so many going on. Stephanie and Niall are mad. Niall's hanging out with Katie, Steph's hanging out with Harry. Seriously what the actual fuck.

"You should get some rest. I'll do the cleaning." He says.

"Thanks but i'm not sleeping. I'm just... Im upset about everything that's been happening. I feel bad for Steph and Niall." I say, stopping the tears that are about to come out.

"It's ok, we'll think of something to help them out. They deserve to be happy. Together." Liam says rubbing small circles on my back.

I kiss his nose and start to clean around again. This night has to be perfect. I still need to pick out an outfit. My boyfriend's parents are visiting and i don't have the slightest idea of how i should act. I guess i'll just act along with Liam. He watches me as i pull out the small dust cleaner and being to wipe away the dust from our furniture. He chuckles a little and grabs the vacuum to begin helping me clean for his parents arrival.

HEYY GUYS!! Thank you all for all the reads again. Don't forget to vote and comment! ❤❤❤

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