Chapter 30

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The smoke in the air was making it hard to see. Why do people smoke anyways? The real question is; why do they allow smoking inside this bar? Retards. I was so pissed off after almost breaking Harry to pieces, that i decided i needed a drink. One drink won't hurt. One didn't do much harm, but now that i have had at least four, big glasses of Vodka, im starting to loose it.

I need to get out of this place before i start a fight with some random guy. They are really pissing me off, or am i just that drunk?

I pay for my drinks and head to my car. I know it's a bad idea to drive right now, but who else would drive me, and plus i'm not that drunk.

The ride seemed to last ages, and the lights from the other cars were giving me a headache. The volume from the radio was low, but i decided to turn it off, due to the fact that the songs were fucking lame and they were giving me a bigger headache.

I finally pull up to the one place i actually want to be. I know i shouldn't have ignored her calls but, i was just so mad. She's probably going to kick me out, after realizing that i have been drinking all night.

I lightly knock on the door not wanting to make a lot of noise.

"Niall? Niall im so sorry please forgive me." I can tell she's been crying all afternoon after i left.

"Hey... I have nothing to forgive you about. It wasn't your fault." I say, trying to sound as sober as i can. I could tell it was a complete fail after she starts to shake her head.

"Have you been drinking? Niall were you out drinking all this time." She sniffs me and then continues. "So apparently Vodka is more important than me?"

"What? No! I mean i was drinking, but of course Vodka is not more important. I was just so mad, that..." I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

I turn to the door and back at her before asking her who it was. She ignores my question and walks past me to open the door.

"Hey.." As soon as i hear the voice behind me, my blood begins to boil. The adrenaline that had somewhat vanished returns and i'm ready to smash his head against the wall.

"Hey come in." I hear Steph say. Wait what the fuck did she just say?

"What the fuck is this?! What are you doing here? You sure do have enough balls to show up to her house after everything you have done." I yell in his face. He backs off and i notice Liam standing behind him. If he tries to stop me from beating Harry up, then i might as well beat him up, because i have no patience in me right now.

"Niall stop! I told him to come.." Did i just hear what i think i did?

"What did you just say?" I say in between my teeth.

"I... I told him to come. I was.. I was just so worried about you, and he offered to help me look for you." She stutters.

This is fucking bullshit...

"So even after he rapes you, you still depend on him for help? I should have none better than to fall for your bullshit. You know, it's not called rape if you liked it." I say and push past Harry and liam and make my way to my car. I could hear her sobs in my mind and as much as it hurt, and i had to just leave.


Letting the love of your life move on feels like someone stabbing you in the heart repeatedly. I can't keep doing this, i just can't. But then again, i was the reason this happened, and she deserves better. I've found myself searching her name on my contacts and it has taken everything in me to not press the call button. I miss her warm hugs, the way her lips would start to swell up after we kissed. Dammit Louis, your going crazy.


Seven days. It's been seven days without any contact with her. Seven that have a living hell.

On day one, i would wake up with her on my mind. I would imagine her sitting on the couch reading her annoying books, but she would look like an angle. My heart would almost jump out of my chest as i approached the couch to sit with her, only to find that there was no one there. That she wasn't here with me.

Day two was shit as well. I tried to imagine her with someone else, with someone better. Someone who would treat her the way she deserved. When that didn't go well, i took my anger out by smashing things on the wall. The worst was the lamp that i throw against my bedroom door. There was shattered glass everywhere and i stepped on a few with my bare feet. The pain on my feet was bad, but nothing compared to the unbearable pain in my chest.

Day was the worst, but i survived. That night i had the worst nightmare anyone could possibly have. It was something i could not deal with. She was laying in her bed. In just her underwear the smile she wear on her face was big enough that it reached her ears. I could start to see a guy walk in, and they shared a small but passionate kiss, like the ones we used to have. He wrapped his arms around her small waist, walking backwards towards the bed. I couldn't stop the dream, no nightmare, because i just couldn't wake up. I was forced to watch him touch her, in the ways i should have. She looked so innocent in his arms and i could feel my hands starting close up by my sides. That was the night i realized that she was better of without me. It was the night i realized that she was happy without me.

Day four i woke up with sweat all over my face. The nightmare from the night before was so intense that the sweat had spread onto my pillow and sheets. On day four, i actually ate breakfast. It was nice to finally relax. I felt a huge weight being released from my chest. It hurt, but i knew it was for the best. For her best.

On the fifth day, everything was going back to how it used to be, before my eyes met the bright eyes that would light up my fucked up world. On the fifth day i went out to a party. I even danced with a pretty girl. I didn't fuck her like i expected and honestly i really didn't want to.She reminded me of Anna in some ways. Though Anna is more gorgeous and no one really compares to her. But day five was a better start.

On the sixth day without her, i kissed a girl, with blond hair. She was hot, but she sucked at kissing. I could tell she was a beginner. On day sixth i went shopping, yeah it sounds gay, but i needed clothes. It's one of my hobbies, besides drinking. The sixth day i was mostly out all day. It was somewhat boring, but it felt good to be free.

Then on day seven, everything went like shit. I was surprised when i received her call. I was really fucking shocked. As much as i had missed her, i just didn't want to talk to her. I love her more than anything but she deserves better. I wanted to ignore the call, but i decided against it. I answered and after hearing her soft voice, i felt like time was rewinded back to the first day without her. The pain i had controlled, returned, but this time with a small chance of hope. On day seven, i was done being blind. I realized how much i mean to her. That she needs me. And fuck if im being selfish, even if im not the best for her, i want her. I need her to be with me. But i know that, that's the only way we'll be able to live. Without me she's nothing and i, myself know im lost without her. It's like being alive but dead inside, without each other. On day seven, i was ready to start over. I was ready to go to her.


Seven days of drowning in hell. Seven days that seemed to go of to a good start but day by day would turn to a living hell. I started of well, no need to call him, no need for him at all. But as the hours grow into days, seven at this point, i would feel like i was dying. I needed his hugs. I needed him. By the seventh day, i was done with the suffering. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number i had been waiting seven days to call. He answered at the third ring and my heart dropped.

"Hello.." He had said

"Louis... I need to talk to you?" I stuttered. Trying to let the words out easily.

"Umm.. Yeah sure. When?" He asked. I could hear the confusion behind his voice.

"Umm... Can you meet me at my house tomorrow, at around 5:30?" I asked him. Hoping the answer would be the one i expected and desperately wanted.

"Yeah sure. 5:30 it is.." That's all i needed to hear.

I slept well on day seven. Excited for day eight to come, just so i would see him. Day eight would be a new start. A new start with the one who stole my heart.

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