Chapter 13

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I received a call early in the morning. God dammit why did people have to call me so early i just wanted to sleep!

"Hello, Stephanie what is it? Im pretty tired so can you please make it quick?" I told her as i rubbed my eyes.

"Listen sleeping-beauty, get changed fast and meet me at the St. Joseph Hospital! Im not quiet sure what's wrong with Katie but she's not waking up. Don't waste any time and be there fast. If you can, please call the rest of the girls and let them know whats happening." Stephanie said and she didn't even give me time to answer back because she hung up.

I didn't waste any time, like i was told and i got ready pretty fast, except i didn't eat breakfast. The day had just started and i could already tell it would be a shitty one. I called the girls to let them know about Katie and i got in my car. I really hoped that nothing bad was going on.



As soon as i got to the hospital i rushed to Ariana's side and i called Angie. There was nothing else we could do besides wait. I was at the verge of crying and i didn't know how to control myself, so i called the only person who could make me feel better.

"Niall, babe i need you to come to the St. Joseph hospital, well if you can." I spoke into my phone, tears running down my face and my arms around Ariana.

"Yes of course! But's wrong babe? Are you ok? Is everything ok?" He said anxiously.

"Yes baby I'm fine but Katie isn't so well. Please hurry i need you." I said.

Angie and the girls got there before Niall, and we were all tearing up. The doctor hadn't given us any information on how Katie was doing or what was wrong with her. Pretty soon Niall arrived with the boys, well except for Harry. Good i didn't even want to see him. His visit would just make things worse. As soon as i saw Niall i rushed over to him and he wrapped his big strong arms around me. With one hug from him i would usually feel better, but not this time, one of my best friends was at the hospital and i didn't know what was wrong with her, nothing, absolutely nothing would make me feel better than knowing she was ok.

"Family of Katie Hernandez?" The doctor said as he looked up from his clipboard.

"That's me." Ariana said as she unwrapped herself from me and walked up to the doctor. The rest of us also got up and walked closer to the doctor.

"Well i'm sorry to say, but it seems like Katie is suffering from a sleep coma. It's a very rare coma, but it's just like a coma, except you get it when you fall asleep. We're not sure for how long she might be in this coma but all we can do is wait." He said looking at us with a sad expression.

"Where are your parents?" He asked Ariana.

"My parents are dead." She said softly.

"Im sorry to hear that." He said. "Well do you have any family that can take care of you for now?" He asked her.

"Katie is my only family." She said as tears started to run down her face again.

"Ariana, you have us. I can take care of her doctor." I told him as i held Ariana's hand.

"What are you with the patient?" He asked

"Im one of her best friends. And i am legally old enough to take care of Ariana." I told him.

"Ok well i guess if that's her will, then it's fine. " He said turning to Ariana. He gave us one last smile and disappeared into a room.


How could this be possible? I asked myself as i walked anxiously around my room. How could Katie be at the hospital? What was wrong with her? I knew i had to go and find out myself, but it would be awkward to see Stephanie after what i had done. I texted Louis to find out how Katie was doing and i nearly had a fucking heart attack when i read the text.

'Sadly she's in a rare coma... We can't do much but wait and see what happens.'

A coma? She's in a fucking coma? I lost her, was all i had thought about. I had finally found a girl i cared about and she was in a coma... How can my life possibly get any worse?


I was so heart broken with the news of Katie being in a coma. I didn't want to lose her, she is such a great friend. And most importantly she couldn't leave her sister. Katie was the only family that Ariana had left. I mean yeah we cared for her and we would give her a place to live, and watch over her, but nothing would be better for her than to have her older sister care for her. When i first met Katie at work i knew right away that we would be friends forever, i knew i had found one of my long lost sisters. I would have loved that Ariana came live with me during this difficult chapter in her life, but i couldn't take care of her because i didn't make enough money so Stephanie offered to take care of her.

"Are you ok darling?" I heard Louis' soft voice say.

"No not really. Im so sad and, i don't even know Louis. She means so much to me." I told him as he pulled me closer.

"It's ok i know she's your best friend, but everything will be fine. I'll always be here for you to make you feel better. I just don't like seeing you like this." He said. I didn't know how to answer so i said the first 3 words that popped in my head.

" I love you."

"I love you too Anna."


I watched the rest of the girls crying, but Danielle just sat there. Why was she not crying? Did she not care about Katie at all?

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked her as i sat down on the seat next to her.

"Yeah i guess." She answered

"You don't seem sad like everyone else."

"Just because i don't seem sad and I'm not crying doesn't mean i don't care." She said almost as to read my mind.

"Oh well how do you do it?" I asked her

"Do what?" She asked, a confused expression formed on her face.

"How do you act like nothing is bothering you when deep down it's killing you." I told her

"I don't know. I just, i honestly don't know." She said as she tried to think.

"I like that. It's kinda of impressing." I said

"Thanks?" She sorta laughed but she held back. " Listen i don't really want to be here. I feel like i'll break down any minute and i don't like crying. So do you want to go get some fresh air?" She asked getting up from her seat.

"Yeah sure." I said as i followed her. We said our goodbyes and we left the hospital.

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