Chapter 40

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"Anna if you don't hurry up I'm leaving without you!" I yell from the kitchen.

"Im going!" She response. She's over exaggerating, its only a baby shower, why is she getting so dressed up? Then again this is important to her, it's Danielle's baby shower.

I can't help but to think of Angie as i enter my car. I haven't seen her in four months. I've always tried to avoid her. I know she's with someone now, Anna can't stop talking about how happy she feels for her. I honestly don't know how i feel about her being happy. She's a good person, and a great friend to Anna. I guess we just started off bad? I know it would mean the world for Anna if Angie and i could at least wave to each other. Maybe she changed? Maybe she's not the same anymore? She did stop cutting for Anna, after all.

"Ok step on it!" Anna says to me, as she gets in the car and i do as I'm told.


"Do you have the presents?" I ask in an attempt to start a small chat.

"Yeah. Thanks for buying them. I have no experience with babies." She says and i laugh.

"Well neither do i, but i guess we should start learning, don't you think?" I've always wanted kids. I never thought i'd be saying it but i actually really do.

"What?" Her eyes literally pop out and her cheeks turn a small shade of pink.

"Hey, look we're here!" Man i can't believe i brought up, having kids.

We walk our way to the entrance of the small party room. Danielle spots us and makes her way to us, greeting us with a smile that nearly reaches her ears. Angie follows behind her.


"I'll be right back." I call to Nick as i make my way to where Danielle is.

My nerves are increasing at the thought of Louis being here, and is it just me or did the temperature increase as well? I finally reach Danielle and try to ask for a drink, but she completely ignores me, usual Danielle. I follow her gaze behind me and i feel like I'm about to drop dead as my eyes land on him, on Louis.

Without fucking thinking i follow Danielle and before i can stop myself I'm face to face with him. Anna smiles sweetly at me and i return the smile.

"Angie, I'm really hoping this isn't awkward, i've learned to forgive Lou for what he did and accept the fact that it happened, i just hope you can do the same." She says calmly. I just nod.

"Im sorry Louis, and i owe you an apology to you too Anna, I'm sorry. Now can we leave the past behind and have some fun? I want you to meet my boyfriend Nicholas." They follow behind me and i can see Nick rising from his seat to greet them.

"Nick, this is Anna and Louis. Guys this is Nick." I move my hands from Nick to Anna to louis and back to Nick.

"Hey man, how's it going?" He kindly asks and i laugh at Louis' reaction.

"Um, good lad, how about you?" Lou finally answers.

The remainder of the party goes by with Anna, louis, Nick and me sitting at one table, talking, and Steph, Niall, Amal and Liam sitting on the table next to ours.

"I would like to thank all of you for coming, it means a lot. I would like to make an important announcement as well, if you guys don't mind." Zayn says and he smiles placing his tongue between his teeth, his usual smile. "But first i would like my girlfriend Danielle to come up." Danielle looks surprise but does as she's told.

"Dani, when i first met you at the ice cream store, i swore i had seen the hottest girl on the planet, but after these seven months together i have come to realize that you aren't hot. Danielle your beautiful! No other girl can compete with your beauty. I've known since the first time my lips connected with your's that you were the one. I love you Danielle, and i would like to spend the rest of eternity with you." We all gasp as Zayn bends down on one knee with a small black box. I can see Danielle's tears beginning to fall from afar.

"Zayn i love you! Of course i would spend the rest of my days with you!" She cries.

We all clap and i see Dani's mom getting up to congratulate her. I've never met her mom but the resemblance is ridiculously close.


"So what do you say? We going to the movies tomorrow night?" Harry asks for what seems to be the thousandth time.

"Fine, yes we'll go." I finally give in and I'm rewarded with a small grin.

"Does it make me a bad person to be bored as hell at my best friend's baby shower?" I shyly ask him and he chuckles.

"Of course it does! Your such a mean friend." I frown and his face softens.

"Im kidding! No it doesn't and honestly im bored as fuck too!" He says.

I feel terrible for admitting this but I'm seriously bored out of my fucking brain. I've been trying my best to not fall asleep for the past hour.

"Do you want to leave? I can take you to your house if you want?" Harry asks.

"Harry i brought my car."

"So? You can just leave it here. I'll come get it tomorrow." Oh geez how could i say no, when he's trying so hard to get me to see he's changed.

"Umm... Ok lets just get out of here before i drop dead from my boredom." I say and he laughs. The sound is unfamiliar but so enjoyable.



"You sure you don't want to spend the night? It's a pretty long drive back to your house." I say to Louis when he drops me of at the front door of my house.

"No it's fine, i don't to make your mom uncomfortable. Plus it would only make me want to fuck you but i won't be able to with your mom in the same room." He teases.

"We can send her to the living room." Where are these dirty thoughts coming from?

"Dammit Anna, stop before i fuck you out here." His hands wrap around my waist and a small moan leaves my lips, only to enter Louis' mouth.

"I love you. Oh man do i fucking love you." He says and with that he's on his way to his car.

"Mom, I'm home." I shout as i close the door behind me. There's no answer.

"Mom?" I ask again, slowly making my way to the room.

I quickly open the bedroom door when i hear the sound of rushing foot steps. Im taken aback when my eyes lay on my mother and the guy thats standing behind her. Both completely naked. In my fucking bed. To make things worse, there's fucking Vodka bottles everywhere.

"Anna it's not what you think." The drunken whore tries to explain. Before she can catch up to me, I'm running out the house and down the street.

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