Chapter 5

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"Hey, meet me outside." He said. I wasn't sure if he had actually said something or if i was imagining things, but the thought went away as a felt someone shaking me.

"Stephanie!" Anna yelled. "Niall James Horan just told you to meet him outside! Come on lets go!" She continued as she pushed me forward.

Damn, i thought. Had he actually remembered me? He had to, there was no other reason why he would tell me to meet him outside. Was this actually happening, i kept asking myself.

Once i had reached the nearest exit at the mall, my eyes were greeted with a pair of sparkly blues eyes staring into them uncontrollably.

I was lost in my own thoughts but quickly returned to reality as i heard a shyly voice speaking up.

"Um, hey aren't you one of the girls from our V.I.P passes?" He asked trying not to let his voice crack.

Holy shit. Niall Fucking Horan was talking to me. I thought to myself.

"Yea Niall it's me. I'm glad you remembered." I finally spoke up as i returned to reality.

"Of course I remember you!" He said with a small smile appearing on his face before continuing, "but i'd be more glad if i could remember your name." He finished cheekily.

I laughed as i told him my name. I notice that the rest of the girls were starting to fan girl so i decided to introduce them to the boys, after i was greeted by them myself.

"Guys, these are my best friends." I told Niall and the rest of the guys. "this is Anna, Angie, Amal, Katie, and Danielle." I said pointing to each of my friends.

"Hello there babes!" Louis and Liam said, while the rest of the guys just waved a hello.



She was perfect I thought to myself, as I watched her eat her cookie and cream ice cream. Her wavy brown hair fell perfectly under her shoulders. Those beautiful brown eyes that sparkled in the sun light, she was just amazing. Even her name was something to admire, Anna, was all my brain had said for the past hour. I had been trying all day to get her attention, but nothing seemed to work. I had to admit i was some what disappointed. Did she not notice me at all, was she not a fan? I didn't understand, but whatever it was it was pretty upsetting...


He was staring at me so much that i didn't know what to do. I tried so hard to control myself, but I didn't know how much longer i could keep up with this. I wanted to tell him that i had always been a fan, most importantly i wanted to let him know that he meant the world to me. He was all i ever wanted, but i didn't know how to put all my feelings towards him in a few sentences. Louis, was all i thought about. I admired his hair for a few seconds before turning away in embarrassment as he turned to look at me. His hair, the fact that it was positioned to look messy, without a lack of effort took my breath away. He was just perfect, but how could someone so famous and breath taking, like him ever fall for someone who was so insecure like me?....


Holy shit! Was this actually happening? Of course it was happening, u idiot! I thought, Louis William Tomlinson was right in front of me enjoying his fucking ice cream. I was so excited, but i knew i had to control myself. I was doing such a good job at not freaking out in front of him. I didn't want him to think i was a weirdo. I loved him so much, he was like a drug to me. He was all i thought about, day and night. I honestly don't know what my life would be without him, because of him i am who i am. You see, there are some pretty fucked up people in this world who think they can just go around judging people because unlike them, they are popular, but those people are just fucking retards. People would always judge me at school, and make me feel like shit, but i had to put a stop to it. And then Louis appeared in my life, although i had never met him before, he had taught me to never let people judge me and to just ignore them, and i'm glad i learned how to deal with all the shit people came up with. I just loved him, and now he was hear eating ice cream, sitting right in the seat in front of me! I took a deep breath and continued to eat my ice cream.


Man she was hot, i thought as i stared into Stephanie's eyes. I remembered the first time i had met her, and how i was too shy to ask for her number before she left. But now she was here eating ice cream with me and the guys and her friends. It was perfect, God had given me another opportunity to find her again and build up enough courage to not let her go this time. I was so lost in her eyes that i hadn't noticed she was talking to me.

"Niall? Niall, it's getting pretty late, i think we have to go. It was nice hanging with you for a second time." She said as a smile seemed to appear on her face.

I looked at my watch before speaking.

"Do u, umm want me to take you home?" I asked her as i tried to hide all my shyness away. I can't be shy now i thought. I can't let her go this time, i just can't.

"Oh, no it's fine Angie has her car. She can drive us home. But thanks anyways." She respond

"Are you sure? It's totally fine, i can drive you if you want." I insisted hoping i would get her to agree.

She shook her slowly. "Niall don't worry it's fine. Thanks for the offer though, it was really nice of you."

"Ok, well can i at least get, umm can i get your number?"i was blushing, i knew it, but i couldn't help it. Y did i have to be so shy at times like these!? I was mad at myself for blushing, but at the same time i was proud of myself for finally asking.

"Um yeah, of course." Stephanie said, as i got my phone out and ready.

"Ok well drive safe ok?" Louis said to Angie and the girls as they were leaving.

"Stephanie. Um i'll call you or text you when i get home, is that ok?" I asked her before she was about to walk out of the ice cream shop.

"Yea, of course. That'd be great." She said as her cheeks started to turn a bright red that i had seen multiple of times before.

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