Chapter 2

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One month i thought to myself! It had been one month since i met them in person. I thought i couldn't become a bigger fan than i already was but when i met them my whole life changed. Now it was a month since i first saw them face to face, a month since my eyes first met with Niall's bright blue eyes. I missed him i really did but what could i do about it. He probably doesn't even remember me now, and i had to move on it's not like i would ever be able to date him or some shit. Right? I looked around my closet to find the perfect outfit. My friends were coming to pick me up any minute to go out and i still wasn't ready. Angie was going to kill me. Angie is one of my best friends i've known her since 3rd grade and she's always be my side no matter what! She's also a huge louis fan and got so jealous when i told her i had vip tickets for the boys concert. She didn't talk to me for a week but we made up and no im here stuck deciding on what to wear and if i didn't find something fast i would be punished with the silent treatment for another week! I found a pair of black tights and a perfect shirt with a cute little kitten printed on it and pulled them on, just as i was tucking my long ass hair in my sparkly black beanie i heard my phone ring,and i was sure as hell that it was the girls waiting for me outside.

"What the hell is taking you so long?" I heard an angry Angie on the other side of the phone.

"Shut up, I'm on my way outside i just have to get my keys, i'll meet you at the car!" I yelled at her, but in a friendly way or at least i thought it was.

I was greeted by the rest of the girls as i entered Angie's cream white Range Rover. For an 18 year old living by herself she had a pretty bad ass car. We all lived by ourselves, well except for Danielle. She was an only child and her parents gave her everything she asked for. She was such a little bitch ass brat! But we loved her, she was always there for us, and thats what mattered.

"Where are we even going?" I asked, no on in particular

"Ugh can't u just shut up and not ask so many questions for once?" Danielle said, and like always everyone laughed

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