Chapter One

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Hey readers. Before you read all of this: I am from Belgium so it could be that I'm making a lot of mistakes in this story.

It all started at Hogwarts. Tessa was a very talented girl. She is a slytherin girl. She is friends with Lucius and Narcissa. She secretly was in love with Sirius Black. He was handsome and tall. He just had everything she wanted. One day they had a project and Tessa needed to work with Sirius Black. That was her biggest fear. In a room with Sirius Black... THE Sirius Black. The one she has been in love with for 4 years now... She wanted him to know it so bad , but there was one problem: everybody saw and still sees him as a bad boy, a heartbreaker....
So now she is here in a room with THE Sirius Black.

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