Chapter Twenty Six

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I turned my head and saw Dumbledore, my friends, my boyfriend and some people of the Ministry standing there. Dumbledore was beyond furious. Severus dropped my arm and I fell to the ground. "This will end right here. She made her decision. She was held captive for four days. And for what? For a person who does not even know her. She has never seen him or talked to him. He is a bad person, we all know that. But holding her captive in that old and dusty mansion is not going to help. Leave her alone and let her live her own life." When he was finished, he was holding his wand and pointing it at Severus while Sirius was pointing his wand at Lucius. He looked at me and gave me a worried look. I smiled at him (letting him know I was alright). At this sign he lowered his wand and so did Albus. "Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape, you are both standing under arrest for kidnapping a student." One of the men from the Ministry said. "Wait! They obeyed Tom. He is the one you should lock up.  Not them. They are both responsible for what they did but they don't get to be punished for something they basically didn't do. Tom is the one you need." And speaking of the devil, there he came. "Severus, Lucius, what's taking so long?" He said not looking up from the ground. When he finally looked up and saw the scene ginger on here, his eyes widened. He ran the other way, back to the Mansion, but two men from the Ministry were faster. They grabbed him from behind but that failed. He ran again and this time, they caught him. They used the Incarcerous spell on him and he was tied, laying on the ground. "She won't survive. I saw it. I saw what happened. Let me go. Let me save her before it is to late." Tom whispered. But I heard every word of it. What was he saying? What did he mean? But most importantly: Will I survive?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks for the 550 reads guys!♡

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