Chapter Thirty Five

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I woke up with sweat dripping of my forehead and my heart hammering in my chest. Pictures of my nightmare flashed in front of me. This time I saw the face. It was my godfather Grindelwald. He was the one saying all those things.. Today I am going to Albus to control my powers. And in one week the exams start. I'm pretty nervous about it.  I stood up and went to my bathroom. Lily was nowhere to be found. Like always she wakes up before I do and leaves to eat breakfast or to study. I showered and dressed in 20 minutes. That was pretty slow because I like taking warm, long showers. I walked down the stairs and grabbed for the door but was stopped by two hands that were placed on my hips. I gasped and turned, only to be met with chest. I looked up and saw Sirius smirking down at me. I slapped him on his chest. "You scared me. I thought you were a pedophile or something." I laughed. We walked to the Great Hall and sat down next to Lily. Surprisingly she was eating.. and studying. Remus came in with James after we were done eating. We waited all for them to finish their food and we left to our classes. I had biology first and after that the classes went very fast. I had a headache that morning but didn't think much of it. Practice with Albus went good. After dinner I was walking back to my dorm with an incredible headache and the nightmare still flashing in front of me. Tom killed my family and Grindelwald is somewhere. Oh and I'm a pure angel. That's pretty much it... My life is falling apart. It couldn't go any worser. But right when I wasn't paying attention someone grabbed me from behind, placed a hand in frontof my mouth and took me to a dark room. We disappeared not soon after that. The thoughts were floating through my mind. 'What if Tom escaped? What if this is my godfather? What does he want from me? Is he going to hurt me? Where did he take me to?' He didn't speak the whole time. Until... : "Your boyfriend will come look for you and kill me. But I wanted to speak to you. You know what you are, don't you? Your a fallen angel. You can talk to animals and control the four elements." Tears were streaming down my cheeks. "What do you want from me? Why did you take me here? Leave me alone!" "Shhhh Tessa. It's okay. I won't harm you nor think about it. You're safe. But do you know it? That you're an angel?" I nodded my head 'yes'. "Make it stop. Make this all stop. Bring my parents back.." All the emotions that I kept inside were coming out. He came closer to me and hugged me. Back to the castle:
Sirius saw you were missing and directly linked it to Grindelwald. He saw red in front of his face and the only thoughts coming in his mind were that he was going to murder him.
At the secret place...:
The hug ended as soon as it started. There was banging on the door and a loud boom. The door to the mysterious room opened and revealed an angry Sirius. His wand in his right hand and a fist made with his left hand. He pointed his wand to Gellert and said the only spell that would keep me away from my godfather forever

Avada Kedavra

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