Chapter Nine

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I ran in the hospital and saw Lucius holding his fist up, ready to punch Sirius in the face. "LUCIUS WAIT!" I suddenly heard behind me. I turned around and saw James, Remus and Peter standing there. All of them very mad. I looked back at the bed Sirius was lying on and saw that Lucius was walking towards us. "Hopefully you're going to be happy with him." And with that he walked out of the door. I walked to Sirius, asking him multiple times if he was okay. "So... You two are dating? We heard it because of the screaming from Narcissa and Lucius. That's why we came here. We thought something was going to happen to Sirius. We thought right." Remus said. "I am so sorry,  Sirius. I know I said it almost 300 times. But I am going to say it a lot more times... I didn't know how they were going to react. Narcissa took it very well. But Lucius was furious." "It is okay Tessa. It wasn't your fault he reacted like this. Maybe he was jealous. But it wasn't your fault..." He laughed at the end. "When will you get out of the hospital, buddy?" James asked. "Tomorrow. Finally.... I can't stand to be here any longer." I let them talk to each other and walked back to my dormitory. When I was on my way back, I saw that Professor Dumbledore was walking towards me. "Hello Tessa. We have some news to tell you." He said this in a tone that didn't meant anything good. "Okay Professor Dumbledore." We walked to his office. Once I was inside, I started to get nervous. "Tessa. You and I both know there is no need to be nervous. But I wanted to talk about your uncle. You know he was very old and he had a heart condition." I interrupted him: "Wait. What do you mean with 'he was very old' and 'he had an heart condition'?" I was confused... "Tessa... Your uncle has passed away. He gave you his wand and a necklace. That is all. And besides those two things he said something else. He wanted me to be like a father for you. Tessa, if you find it good, I am going to get custody of you." "Yes it is fine by me. I am just in shock. This necklace has a picture of my mom, my dad and me. He knew that I wanted this so he gave it to me when he..... when he died. And his wand. It is powerful and he always wanted me to have it but I never accepted it..." "Tessa, know I am always there for you. You can leave or stay for now if you want to?" "No I will leave. I need my time alone. Goodbye Professor." "You can call me Albus, Tessa. Only in class you need to call me Professor." "Okay. Goodbye Albus." "Goodbye Tessa." He smiled. I walked through corridors, thinking about my family. That I only have Albus left...

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